Mar 17, 2006 02:10
Sher boredom.
I don't expect anyone to read this but I really felt like filling this thing out. And I had to think some of who to do it on. Howell!
1) What's your character's name? Julianna Reed, Julia (short).
2) How old is he/she? She's 26.
3) Is your OC a boy or girl? Girl, doi.
4) What's his/her race? Human.
1) If this character were to suddenly become part of the 3D world, and ended up in a heavily-populated area, how many stares would he/she get? I don't think so.
2) Is your character considered normal in his/her own world? Sometimes...
3) What would be his/her most recognizable feature(s)? Her raging personality... ^^;
4) Would you consider your OC as attractive? Yes, when she's not beating the crap out of you or children.
1) Temper: She's got something firce of a temper. She really dislikes children and so she takes out all of her built up anger on them most of the time.
2) Does your character ever get depressed? Yes, she wanted to find Mr. Right and get married.
3) Leader or Follower? Leader, I suppose.
4)What is the main aspect of his/her personality? Smart, loud, bitchy, abusive.
1) Does your OC have a family of any sort? If so, are they still alive? Everyone has to have family, don't they? I guess you could say that her family is a big joint family because of where she works and so on...
2) Is your character out on his/her own? If so, why? Yes, she's an adult and works at an orphange... XD
3) Has he/she encountered any traumatizing events? I wouldn't say so...
4) What was probably the best time in his/her life so far? Her childhood I guess?
1) Single? Yes, though she always fantisizes.
2) Has your OC developed any romantic relationships? Errr, we don't know that yet!
3) Virgin? *shrug* Like I said we don't know that yet! >>;
4) Does your character like flirting? She doesn't like it persay but she does it, mainly unconsiously.
1) What animal would you associate your OC with? Grizzle bear... I hate bears.. XD;
2) Musical Instrument? Something loud maybe drums?
3) Element? Lightening/thunder?
4) Planet? *shrug*
Showing the Love:
1) Do you draw your character? Occasionally, usually only when I draw my comic... ^^;
2) Do you write about him/her? No, I'm a horrible writter. ^^;
3) Do you use him/her in any rpgs? I haven't.
4) What other ways have you appreciated your OC? Uh.. My niece quotes her? >>;;
1) Is your character wanted for anything? Probably battery and asult... XD
2) What are three weaknesses in him/her? Men, shopping, her job... Though she doesn't let anyone know!
3) Strengths? She's quite strong for a woman, with all her child bashing and whatnot.
4) Does your OC drink or smoke (ect.)? Nope. Drug free's the way to be!
5) What's one quirk about him/her? She's a romantic at heart.
6) Does your character have any phobias? I think she's like nails... xD
7) What could you do to get him/her into a blind rage? Easy; children.
8) Does your OC like chickens? I'm sure she likes to eat them. >>;;
The Final Question:
What would you consider your relationship with your character to be like? Okish.. As long as I didn't piss her off too badly. ^^;