You’re Easy Come, Easy Go

May 12, 2009 00:44

Title: You’re Easy Come, Easy Go
Author: Liv darkmagic-luvr
Characters: Joanna, Dean, Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer
Rating: PG-13
occhallenge Prompt: 32. Unsure
Summery: In which Joanna Winchester discovers her father really is Batman.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the character you see before you, however any and all original characters are mine, please ask before you use them.
Warnings: incest, wincest, het. Spoilers for Season 3.

Joanna groaned and turned over in bed, listening to someone outside the motel room rap on the door a few more times. With another groan she sat up, pushing the…guy off her and climbing out of bed, heading for the door in nothing but her underwear and an undershirt. She ran her fingers through her hair a couple times before reaching out for the door handle and wrenching it open. She felt her heart plummet as her eyes locked onto Dean‘s image, standing in the doorway with Bobby next to him. Without hesitating, Joanna turned and headed back to the bed, grabbing Ruby’s knife from under her pillow and throwing it at Dean, narrowly missing him.

“Woah!” Dean managed to duck out of the path of the knife, letting it burrow into the wall behind them. He stared at it for a moment before turning back to Joanna. “Are you freakin’ insane!”

“You’ve been practicing,” said Bobby approvingly, then taking a closer look at the knife. “So you have Ruby’s knife. Been wonderin’ where that thing went off too.”

Joanna ignored the both of them, and turned to her bed, lifting up her leg and kicking her sleeping companion in the ribs. He grumbled and looked at her with beady eyes.

“Get out,” she said darkly. His eyes widened, slightly terrified of her tone and scrambled out of bed, grabbing his clothes off the floor and heading for the door. He paused halfway out and turned back to Joanna.

“So, you’ll call me?”

“Out,” said Joanna heading back to the door after him and shoving him out. She stopped, looking from Bobby to Dean and slammed the door in their faces. She head someone bang on the closed door and turned away from it, folding her arms over her chest and trying to bite back tears.

“Joanna, baby, open the door!”

“This isn’t happening,” muttered Joanna, pulling a hand away from her body and rubbing it over her face. “You’re dead!”

“I know,” said Dean softly through the door. “This is me, Jo. This isn’t a trick.”

“I don’t believe you,” said Joanna softly. She head the doorknob turn and the sound of the door creaking open. A set of heavy footsteps later Joanna felt Dean wrap his arms around her and went ridged.

“This is me, kid,” said Dean softly, resting his chin on the top of her head. Joanna turned in his arms and buried her face in his chest, wrapping her arms around his waist tightly.

“I am going to be so pissed if this is a joke,” she muttered, her throat burning as she tried not to cry.

“Hey, is Sam around?” asked Bobby. Joanna pulled away from Dean and gave Bobby a look.

“I haven’t seen Sam in months,” she said pointedly, glaring Bobby down which was ignored by Dean as he gave her a disapproving look.

“You haven’t been hunting alone-?”

“Bobby can attest that I can take care of myself,” said Joanna folding her arms over her chest. “I’m not a little girl anymore.”

“You’re barely twenty,” Dean started in protest but stopped, moving his hand to his face an pinching the bridge of his nose, shutting his eyes tightly. “You know what? I don’t care right now. I just want you to get dressed and help us find Sam.”

Joanna turned and began scouring her motel room for clothes, talking as she did. “So what did Sam do to get you out?”

“Hmm?” asked Dean, opening his eyes and staring at her as she grabbed a t-shirt and pulled it on over her head. “Sam? I thought you did this?”

“You know what? A friend of mine spotted Sam in her bar a couple days ago, it’s not far from here. Maybe he’s around,” said Joanna, avoiding the subject. Now fully dressed, she pulled her jacket on and grabbed a leather bound journal, similar to John’s along with a gun sitting next to the journal.

“Don’t avoid the sub- wait, you made friends?”

“Shocking isn’t it,” said Joanna monotonously, pulling the keys to the Impala out of her pocket and tossing them to Dean. “You wanna drive, yeah?”

“Oh hell yes,” said Dean catching his keys easily. Joanna grinned at him and headed for the door, pulling her knife out of the wall as she passed by Bobby. Bobby looked over at Dean who’s face had fallen the second Joanna had left.

“You okay, Dean?”

“What the hell happened to my little girl?” he asked, staring at the keys in his hand. “Watching Sam turn into me the last few months is bad enough, but her? I feel like my heart’s been ripped out.”

“Let’s go, Dean,” said Bobby softly, taking a step forward and placing his hand on Dean’s shoulder, steering him in the direction of the door.


“How many guys does it take to deliver a pizza?” Joanna rolled her eyes at the slut in Sam’s motel room and pushed past Bobby and Dean, getting a little too close to the brunette to not be threatening.

“’Scuse me,” Joanna said dangerously, pushing the door open just as Sam walked up behind the woman. He spotted Joanna first, confusion etching onto his face.

“Jo? I thought you were in Montana taking care of a Wendigo?”

“Change of plans,” said Joanna, stepping aside so Sam got a full view of who was behind her. Sam’s face went blank.

“Hey, Sammy.”


“Okay, what is this some weird threesome?” asked the brunette, ignoring the flash in Joanna’s eyes.

“My brother and my niece,” said Sam, still in shock. Joanna gave Sam a look.

“Sam, could you ask the hooker to leave?”

“Who are you calling a hooker?!”

“You probably should go,” said Sam, turning toward the girl. Joanna smirked at her as she left, then turned her smirk onto Sam.

“You dog, you.”

“Shut up, Jo,” muttered Sam, holding the door open for Dean, Jo and Bobby to enter. Jo snorted at him, watching Dean and Bobby walk into the motel room before following, stopping as Sam grabbed her arm, leaning down to whisper in her ear.

“Dean will never hear about what happened with us, Jo,” said Sam seriously. “Never.”

“No shit, Sam,” snapped Jo, her voice as low a his. “That’s not something I’m really itching for him to find out.”


“So Ruby, Sam?” asked Jo, an evil smile tugging on the corner of her mouth. “You miss me that much?”

“Shut up,” Sam growled in her ear, sending an uncomfortable shiver down her spine. She really couldn’t think about Sam like that anymore. They had fun sure but…she left him. And he broke her heart.

“Are you going to tell Dad that the bitch is back?” asked Joanna, her eyes narrowing. “Or am I gonna have to tell him.”

“He’ll find out eventually,” muttered Sam. Joanna shook her head.

“You told her.”

“She asked-”

“She better have tortured it out of you,” said Joanna, walking into the room, ignoring the looks she was getting from Dean and Bobby. She was worried about Bobby, but if he was going to say something to Dean about what she and Sam had been doing in the months he was gone, he didn’t look like it.


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