yep, thats right. I have finally seen Jude Law in person. Maybe not as exciting as seeing him randomly in the car next to you or at Whole Foods, but still pretty good if I do say so myself. He was sitting in floor seats at the Hornets game and me, Margie, and Eleanor (and then Hannah and Elizabeth when they came to sit by us) were 12 rows away (and he was a little off to the side). At first we werent sure it was him so we made the excuse that of course we should go try and say hello to Linda Zhang (which we wanted to anyways but she is deaf and can't hear-lol) who was sitting on the floor mere feet away from him. Linda, if you are reading this and that was you (we were pretty sure and if it wasnt I am going to feel really stupid), you are one lucky girl! Anyways, so we went down to the bottom of that section and I started yelling "Linda, Linda" and waving to get her attention while peaking at Jude Law (from now on JL), and he totally turned around and looked all of us in the eye. Eye contact!! One of the guys there told us we had to go back to our seat so we did but we pretty much watched him the entire time. I was good and watched a little of the game too :-). So yeah once the game was over we went back to see if we could see Linda again and when we looked up we realized he was only a few yards away. So out come the camera phones of course!
My camera phone isnt very good but yeah, thats totally him. Now lest we forget what he really looks like, and what I saw in person, here is a reminder:
And thats not even a good picture! do an image google search-very nice things there!
So yeah overall a good night. I drove Uptown and picked up Margie and Eleanor and then proceeded to drive Downtown to my dad's office building without dying and only getting temporarily lost (yeah me driving a lot-scary), the Hornets game was fun, I got calls from drunk ppl to tell me my sister was hot, and I saw Jude Law! Doesnt get any better than that eh?? Well, there is still a week left of Spring break......