Sep 17, 2007 08:29
Ok so I have been writing a lot of long fics lately (forever) and blocking everyones friends pages so you may be pleased to hear I am finally getting the hang of this LJ cut thing and hiding them now. Go me! Only took what two months to figure out? I am so technohopeless sometimes... Forgive me?
Speaking of which, does anyone know how to make long comment conversations on LJ collapse down to just show the first comment and a link for the rest of the thread? I've got some that are 20 comments on one thread (plus pics sometimes) and they are slowing down the webpage so would like to collapse them but don't want to lose them.
Oh I spotted some new friends on my list recently - welcome! Like I say, I am not very good at hiding entries but I am getting much better at indexing and tagging them. If you are interested in any of my series hit the index tag, drabbles are under my drabble tag and if you are a Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy fan I recommend my crossover tag. Some of my work is dark and some is fluff but with the exception of crossovers and quarantine I try to stick to canon wherever possible - I just play with the gaps in between..... I don't usually have ratings warnings on individual pieces but the Year That Never Was series is all dark so if you are squeamish don't go there.
Hope you are all well and I'd better get back to Quarantine now if I am ever going to finish this story!
See ya,