Aug 31, 2008 23:12
i'm kinda itchy and not feeling particularly well.
this weekend was dragon con. i waited an hour and a half on thursday to get my badge. i was pretty excited about going...
until i got there.
i was pretty lonely for the most part. i just didn't feel like i fit in, in comparison to the past two years. i had derby girls to be with. and that was fantastical. i sorta hung out with my friend michelle. i sorta hung out with buddy. i did hang out with dante. i was so tired and just not feeling well. i think the elementary school crud has started to settle in me. my throat hurts, my sinuses are bugging me, and i'm constantly tired.
so, i stayed friday night. i went to a room party that was fun. i went to bed around midnight, because i was having trouble standing. plus, at that point dante and ben were about to leave. and i was going to be alone, once again. i sold dante my badge for the rest of the weekend, since i knew i was probably going to be sick and miserable the entire time.
i ended up meeting a friend from my school for the parade. i took off after the parade and just went up to kennesaw. i ended up spending my afternoon helping ian rearrange stuff in his office/bedroom.
today was pretty uneventful. lots of lying there and not getting anything really accomplished, since i don't feel well.
i worked on my lesson plans.
i'm pretty stressed about this whole student teaching thing. it's going well. really well. i'm having a lot of fun. the whole time management thing is catching up with me tho. i feel like i've got way too much to do and not enough time. i spend a shit ton of time at the school trying to get things ready for the classes. i was asked to make a giant rainforest display, and i ended up spending a good ten hours on the project. lots of leaves, giant trees, flowers and a pair of monkeys. i started teaching 4th grade last week. i'm taking on 3rd next week. i get so nervous at the front of the classroom, that if i don't have an entire dialogue written up, i run out of things to say. that freaks me out a little. my gsu teacher is coming to visit in like two weeks, and on one of the visits, she is going to record me teaching. i really don't want to have to watch myself and write a paper on it. ugh. grossssss....
i'm running out of time for everything. almost every free second i am at home, it is spend writing papers and getting shit organized for class. i shouldn't be this stressed, but i've had a stomach ache for almost two weeks.
i keep crying.
i keep freaking out.
i'm not sure why.
ian's roommate really pissed me off today. he is really condescending towards me, because i'm a girl. apparently, it's my fault that the rest of my gender can't be competent. and you know... none of my points are ever valid. i can't have an opinion. but it's only when we're all sitting down to eat that he gets like that. i don't get it at all. the rest of the time, especially when it's just the two of us existing in the same room, he's a rightly acceptable individual.
i'm getting real irritated with the way they talk to me sometimes. i feel so stupid around them, because my opinion doesn't matter. it's wrong no matter what. i just wish they would fucking listen to me sometimes. ian is good about it when dan isn't around. but when the two of them are together, i just feel like shit. i end up spending the evening being grouchy and upset, and sneaking off somewhere to cry because they've pissed me off. and it usually happens late enough at night to where it's a problem. i can't drive well at night, so it's not like i can leave.
we've been dan free for the last two weekends. it's been real nice. i'm looking forward to him being gone for four months in oklahoma. he'll start air traffic control training, and won't be around. then ian can go back to being the sweet and charming man i like.