I'm hazopped. Super zoned out after the workshop but alas, I still have my deliverables to do :( hence the number of OT hours clocked in the month of October!
Am currently loving the HAZOP sessions because i really really learnt a lot. It's really cool to be a process engineer leh! Not in the plant kind but the ones involved in design and cause and effect stuff. The last week has showed me what real intelligence is. And I'm really blown away. I feel so dumb suddenly, but I'm taking this chance to learn as much as I can! I think I can come up with a HAZOP glossary and google about those new terms Tt I've come across so far. Am really glad to be part of the HAZOP! :D plus it doesn't hurt when i get to eat waffles from holland and marshmallows from Korea too Lol
3 more days of hazop'ing before handing it back to Delphine! 頑張って!!!ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
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