I'm sick again. Just when I thought I might have gotten a little bit stronger, I think I caught the flu bug that's plaguing the office.. Noo. It's a busy busy week next week, with the project SHEAMS handover to the contractor. Can somewhat say that I've been looking forward to this day since the day I took over the database, but alas, I'm suddenly wishing that I can have more time on the project. Like follow-on team that's based in Singapore for example, so that I can continue working with one of the bestest and smartest in the engineering industry. It's after all, my first project (and one that made me scribe 60 days for HAZOP, 5 days for HAZID and 3 days for ISD). But like all good things have to come to an end, the project has to end too :( 5 more weeks before Goodbye! Will be saying goodbye to the Koreans next week!
On other news, 2 more weeks to UK! Shall work harder over the next two weeks to finish my Quad work AND my ULL work (which is super delayed already O_O) Jiayou Karin!!!!
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