Friend/Community Cut

Aug 13, 2010 04:49

I just did a rather large friends/communities cut. If you have been wanting to cut would be the time to do so. No questions asked, just take your leave. If I've kept you it's because I value your friendship and if I cut you it's not that I don't value you it's just that we don't connect in any way and that you have NEVER commented NOT ONCE on ANY of my posts. Why be here at all then?? Very strange. Anyway, I've made some NEW friends lately and I think people might be hesitant to friend me because of my huge flist. SO, if you had/have a duplicate journal, I've deleted it as well since you never post to it any more anyway.

IF you have friended me and not even bothered to drop me a line saying...HEY...wanna be friends? I know you from such and such...WHY did you do that?? I even say RIGHT ON MY PROFILE to comment before adding me. I'm not going to add you if you can't even just say HEY...I think we could get along...add me. NOPE, doesn't work like that. Anyway, kindly remove me. In about a month or so, I will probably ban all those who haven't removed me from their list as SEVERAL I unfriended are dead journals anyway.

If you care to comment here and rekindle our friendship, feel free as I'd be more than happy to friend you back if you believe we have a connection I haven't picked up on. I DO love all my friends and I DO read my flist in it's entirety nearly every day. If I don't comment, it's because I don't feel I have something to add, but I do love you all dearly and keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.

Okay, I feel much better now. I just REALLY needed to get that all out.

friends cut, public, flist

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