Nov 17, 2008 17:59

I want that to be my message tone.

Something unusual has come about as far as how I process and react to information nowadays. The other day Blair informed me of a situation involving a mutual friend of ours. Normally I would have reacted with a "WTF?!" followed by a stomp and rampage about how much of a bad idea it would be that would spiral off into the next few hours. This time, however, I found myself thinking about it for a second then going, "Oh? Awh, well."

It's been like that a lot lately. I suppose with all that's been going on and my life doing a complete 180 degree turn on itself, I'm starting to feel more and more...I dunno, apathetic? I don't want to use that term, though it describes how my reactions come across externally; internally, I do care. I'm just tired of making sure things are "right". Besides, I've often found that even trying to help rarely results in any immediate or even long term result for the better. Instead it just delays the inevitable, my concern for what would have come the first time just takes a break and sooner or later it resurfaces and the person screams for the other choice. The choice I gave warning of or proposed a much safer alternative. It's rare that I'm ever wrong when it comes to my gut feelings. There's even a running gag of "Jovee's Dark Tome of Prophecies and Bad Stuff", whatever is said to happen usually--who am I kidding, always does.

Besides, I've never gotten any proof that it actually makes a friend feel any better. If nothing else they label me a cynic or negative and harbor some level of animosity that grows over time. Whatever, I've always given too much of a shit  about how people feel anyway. So in the end, I'd rather keep my mouth shut, let them fall down and if they want, I can help pick them up.

If they don't, awh well.

How am I doing? That's the billion dollar question isn't it?
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