Beginning to be afraid that my LJ has turned into a cooking journal... but this is the most eventful thing that ever happens in my life, so... XD
Panda dropped by once again, and we cooked some more. Tonight's dish was a Teriyaki-Marinated Steak, with a side of Whipped Potatoes and a desert of Walnut-infused homemade brownies. Mmmmm... I is a happy crane. Since in previous posts people have asked for recipes... I'm just going to start posting it in the main journal. It'll be an LJ cut though, so ya dun have to see it (and get hungry) if you don't want to. :)
Potato recipe: Sauce:,1755,135178-244195,00.htmlSteak: In other news... I has a new phone. Went out, and did my co-op splurge... I have a cell phone I can be seriously proud of. fun to play with. :D
My first phone that has polyphonic sound, too.