Campus is furloughed today. The first Wednesday since Summer seen from some where other than the 3rd floor of Humanities. I took my car over to Wes' to help bring back a keg, but instead ended up drinking bloody Marys, hitting jeezies, and eating breakfast burritos. I feel I have come detached from so many people and things that use to be my life and have this new thing. I do feel more than I ever I walk between all these different places and assignments as the same person; not having to change, whatever that means. Just always lacking initiative at the end of the day to pick up the phone. I've spent the last 2 days post-producing the last 4 Fridays of photographs and video a group of people who play Warhammer 40k. A few have become friends now in a way. It's so much easier than I thought to become part of something. I spend every day behind a camera or in front of photos or stressing over what's next.
Which is today's agenda. I'm applying to a handful of internships. This is my chance to warm up. I look at my photos though and I have no clue who I am, how are these editors going to? My thesaurus will tell them; Seattle Times, South-Florida Sun Sentinel, Florida Times-Union, Minneapolis Star Tribune, and Detroit News.
"I need a fucking job."
A photo I didn't take.