Jun 15, 2006 12:16
So first of all...I'd like to thank everyone that responded to my last little self-indulgant rant. You guys are the greatest friends a kook like me could ask for. I'm sorry I have to make posts like those, I just have to clear my head every now and then. Well! I got that out of the way...let's see what all is going down...
I'm trying to find a job right about now, with as much luck as I had the last time I was looking. I'm hoping to have greater luck since I'm looking for a more permanent job here, and not just a simple seasonal thing. Yeahhh...sooooo...not sure what to say really.
Well...I could mention school a little bit. My English teacher is awesome...my Algebra teacher reminds me of my computer programming teacher in Tyler. You know who I'm talking about Stip. She does that...'yes' thing...BUT. I can understand her, and she has her funny moments. Oh...and she has this voice that at random times gets really high pitched. THAT'S really annoying but I think I can handle it. Hopefully.
And my study skills teacher is absolutely awesome. Funny as hell, and nice. It's a good class.
I miss my guitar. I haven't been able to play it for weeks...mainly because I don't have it here. Mom is bringing it over, and she doesn't show up until the 20th. I wanted to play so much I went to a music store and played on one of theirs for a while even. They were nice. What else is going on...
Ohhh yeah...I'm going to a Lewis Black HBO special here the day before my birthday. 'Red, White, and Screwed'. I'm so fucking looking forward to that. I loooove Lewis Black. He's so on point and just...RIGHT.