Why did you take him from us? He never had the chance to finish his work...spread the message that needs to be spread throughout the world. If he was allowed to keep working...I think the world would be so much better. I don't think we'd be in this fix right now. But no. He was ripped from the world by some lunatic with a gun. The man who stood for peace and good will to ALL mankind was MURDERED. Why? He's NEEDED HERE!! We need him here! NOW! We need him to help stop some of the shit that's going on in the world today!
But we're not going to get him. Because of that lunatic with a gun...we're not going to get him. He can't do live interviews and radio broadcasts. Because of that lunatic with a gun. But he can still inspire us. We can look back on what he said and did in his life and try to mold our philosophies to be more like his. More tolerant...more loving. He said that he believed in everything until he was proven wrong. I believe that maybe we can still do it. I believe that although he is dead...he does live on. Through me...hopefully through you...and through all good natured people around the world.
So John...you are my hero...you are my idol...and you are missed.
I love you.