Where do I go?

Apr 06, 2005 16:26

Yesterday SUCKED! I pride myself with keeping my face to-wards Goddess and not stressing. BUT MY KIDS CAN REALLY PUT IT ON ME. I get so caught up in their pain ( or should I say bullshit) when they fight -I totally lose me. It's the weirdest thing. They are on vacation driving cross country and have to get in a divorce threatening fight. So much shit is said who knows what is what??
A Mothers point of view - my son wanted HER more than life it's self and still does. He's a good provider and a good father. The problem is - She feels like she missed out on life getting married so young. Well maybe that should have been addressed before there were 4 kids brought into this relationship
So the problem is - live authentic to your self or live up to your responsibilities.
I thought I could write about this but I am still so pissed off.. She should not be in a relationship she does not find joy in. They both deserve to be happy. But what about the kids? They deserve too. It seems to me they could and should try a little harder to live up to their commitments.
Ok I am still to pissed to talk.......
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