
Mar 11, 2005 07:28

I'm fine. I've just been preoccupied with a lot of things recently. Aiko and I have joined a LARP, so we went shopping last night for a few things. Hopefully we have almost everything. Oh wait, she has to shop for shoes...It'll be fun though. I get a cane. *eyes unsuspecting bystanders*

Ok, I have to pimp this. My brother is a spectacular artist! Look!!!!
Isn't it cute!!!!!

There's a metaphysical fair in Denver this weekend. I'm not sure if we're going. Something is telling me we're supposed to, but I highly doubt we'll find whatever it is I'm supposed to find. So, if we're not going to, then why spend the money?

I'm hoping to update more here, even if I end up doing "friends only" posts as I'm intending to make ko_uta a much more private journal.
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