Apr 08, 2004 19:30
OK so i havent been the best person these past few months. I dont know what it is but i get jealous very easily... the two best guy friends i have ever had are also ex's. Both times it started out the same, i became really good friends with the guy, then after spending so much time talking and being with eachother i ended up liking them. (then we would "see eachother") After things were over i wasnt able to talk to them anymore, like the way i did when we were just friends, but after a while we would start talking again. It took me a long time to get over the first one and i finaly did when he got a new gf... even though it was the thing that i needed to get over him i was still jealous that he found someone and i was barely getting over it. With the second it is a lil different, after things were over i didnt talk to him, then i started to again, then i started liking him again, but there was alot of drama so i just wanted it all to blow over and i wanted to consentrate on me. Now the he has a gf (someone who isnt my favorite person in the first place) again i am jealous that he has found someone but i am still alone. I dont know why this happens but i just realized it, and i want to fix it or change the way i handle the situation. Want to fix things with everyone that i have issues with but i am not sure how or if they even want to fix it with me (they might just want to forget about me!)
I am going to my first behind the wheel class tomorrow! Pray that i dont freak-out... until next time, xoxo, byebye