this went on longer than intended

Sep 20, 2004 08:39

keep wanting to flame flame flame and behave in a ultra-unfriendly manner on th Internet what am wrong w/ me. For no reason. There was thet time ah switched lanes right in front of a guy where th road narrowed from 2 to 1, and he laid into his horn for a number of seconds more than was strictly necessary--OK I DID NOT SO-CALLED CUT YOU OFF ASSHOLE I WAS WAY TH HELL IN FRONT OF YOU DICK--and den ah gave him th middle finger in muh rear view mirror and den ah gave him th middle w/ my other hand out th window and he zoomed past me. AND I zoomed up right behind him and saw him pointing @ his own head in th what-were-you-thinking sign language and thet ENRAGED ME probably more than was strictly necessary zo ah kept giving him th finger 'cos ah couldn't think of anything more unfriendly zo and den ah zoomed past him agin and was glaring @ him in th rear view mirror, glaring w/ bad intentions like Tyson before th fight, and ah saw this guy was a moustachioed besunglassed guy. He saw me glaring @ him and pulled out an object and held it up to th windshield. It was his wallet and had a shield-shaped badge on th inside of it. W/ his other hand he wagged his finger @ me to say, friend, thet were a no-no. As ah made muh turn ah kept glaring , to say, friend, you're still a faggot not in th gud way, in th bad way, I wonder how many times a week you pull this power play. Ah wondered if ah would get a bogus parking ticket mailed to me or something like that, but it didn't happen. Ah wonder if stuff like that happens. Anyhow RETARDED ah get road rage, on th Internet, too.

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