So here's a recap of all the crap I have done since I left Oakland last friday.
Friday morning, I found myself on a train to LA with nothing but a bag of clothes and a laptop. I was settling into my seat when I heard somebody say "San Luis Obisbo" and instantly a lightbulb came on in my head as I put 2 and 2 together.
I learned from
Amanda that she was catching a train to San Luis early around 7 and since I boarded the train at 8:45, I figured I had a good chance that she was on the very same train as me. The old Gabe would have probably not done anything about it out of fear/shyness but I figured that if this girl really is as cool as I seem to think she is, I might as well give it a shot and find out if she was on the train. Lo and behold after a somewhat complicated search I found her and we had a nice conversation. It was really funny and awkward at first (at least I know I was) but since we had about 5 hours to talk, I wound up feeling all nice and comfortable and even managed to make a few dismal jokes. She got off at San Luis Obispo and we said goodbye for the time being. I had a huge smile on my face then and I put on my CD player and everything in the world seemed so beautiful.
That lasted for about 3-4 hours. Problem was, I had about 40 hours left on the damn trainride to Dallas. I made it to LA no problem because I had a CD player, a laptop, a sketchpad, a gameboy and a good mood. After I transferred in LA on my train to Texas, things got really bad. I thought the train would only take 15 hours but it ended up taking about 42 hours to get me completely to Dallas. It was a very stressful time for me because I couldn't understand why the fuck the stupid fucking train wasn't in fucking Dallas when they fucking said they would be. All my electronic devices were out of juice and I was bored out of my mind. At one point, some annoying drunk kid about my age decided to take his shoes off and put his horribly raunchy feet up on my chair above my head. I kinda lost it at that point and I turned around and punched one of his feet really fucking hard. He yelped and then pulled his feet away. I was half expecting a fight, which sadly to say I would have enjoyed in my extremely pissed off mood but he just mumbled to himself and passed out. The next day he was limping around the train and seemed to have no recollection of how his foot got injured, which amused me greatly.
After a hellish 42 hours of boredom, I finally arrived in Dallas. It was pretty funny when I got there because I called up Jason and was like, "Hey man, I finally made it." and he had actually shown up to the train station the day before at the time Amtrak told me I was going to arrive and I never showed, so he replied with, "Oh I already went to the station. You weren't there. See ya around." :) Hehe. Funny guy.
He and Sonia both came out to pick me up and I figured they would have been pissed that I was a day late, but I told them my whole story about the train ride and they played it off cooly. Jason just said, "oh yeah. 52 hours on a train huh? Ok, I am gonna have to call bullshit." Sonia giggled and said, "You probably forgot to leave on the right day or something." We all laughed and forgot about Amtrak completely.
We go back to their place which I must say is a huge improvement over their shithole apartment back in Emeryville. It's a nice place in the swanky up-town Dallas. I take a shower, shave and put on some nice clothes and we go out drinking to a bar close by that they fregeunt. We had a jovial time drinking (gin and tonic is my new favorite drink) and they had lots of fun trying to convince me I really am gay. (That joke is never going to get old with us because of all the "signs" that happen all the time)
We all got a little messed up at the bar and so we decide to head back to their place and have some more drinks. I convince them that we should all just get completely trashed and since they both had the next day off, they agreed vehemently. I was so shocked to see my two drinking idols actually get more drunk than me. After they passed out, I turned on my computer and had a funny conversation with Amananda and Tim.
Woke up the next morning and we had some breakfast, watched Count of Monte Cristo (I had already seen it but it's a good enough movie to watch again) then got dressed, went to visit some of their friends, then went out drinking again. The problem is that I have such a shitty fake ID so we ended up getting turned down from like half the places we tried to get into, which really makes me feel like a 3rd wheel. After about 4 bars and about 5 clubs, we did some drinking, headed back to the place and they crashed while I went online and talked to Amanda who I am constantly thinking about. Life is ironic in the way that when I meet a really cool girl, it happens the exact fucking day I leave for a few weeks and so my interest is piqued but I can't even get a chance to see her. =/
Same thing basically happens the next day. We went out for some Mexican food and I was wearing a shirt that somehow my nipples poke thru on. Weird, yes I know but the shirt otherwise is very normal. When we were walking up to the restaurant, there were two gay guys outside who leer at me blatantly, giving Sonia and Jason rounds and rounds of ammunition for more gay jokes. Hilarity ensued. Drinking ensued. We had some margaritas at the restaurant and then picked up a bottle of Jack Daniels and some coke, headed back to their place and Sonia and I got pretty drunk. We were constantly listening to this hilarious MP3 I have of two french people having sex. It has to be the dirtiest sounding sex scene anybody has ever heard. We drew a funny picture to possibly represent what they could have been doing. I keep telling Sonia about Amanda and I notice she obviously wants me to give it a rest. I called up my grandma this day too and told her I was going to have to come see her before I saw my sister because Amtrak is retarded. She was very happy I was coming to town and my sister didn't seem too concerned that I would be five days later than I had originally told her. Amtrak gave me lemons and I made lemonade. :)
The next day, Sonia and Jason both had to go to work, so I got to sit around all day on my butt and draw a picture/play some music. Jason got back around 5:30 and he and I got some 40s, ordered a pizza and sat around talking about war. I got really drunk this night because I smoked a bunch of cigarettes, had 2 40s and then a bunch of beers, but it was all very fun.
My final day in day in Dallas, we went to Amtrak, I picked up my tickets to Providence and we head off to downtown Dallas to go see the Rangers play the Oakland A's. Sonia and Jason are both from the Bay Area and are A's fans so we go to route for the A's. I showed incredible restraint and did not drink this night, nor did I smoke because I was feeling a little worse for wear and I was honestly tired of drinking massive amounts, smoking cigarettes and waking up the next day and feeling like shit while I tried to do excercise to compensate for my wrecklessness. I must have had about 10 offers for a drink and I'm proud of myself for turning them down. The baseball game was a lot of fun. The A's won, of course and we met some of Jason's friends who were pretty damn funny. We got home, they got tired, went to bed, I came online and wrote up a recap of my story while I burned myself some CDs for my next trip.
And my next trip of course will be back up to my hometown of Chepatchet, Rhode Island. I'll be staying with my grandma or my uncle for a few days, then whisking away to Georgia to visit my sister and brother-in-law. As fun and exciting as all this travelling is, I'm already starting to get homesick and I really wish I could be in the Bay Area again because I had such nice access to all my friends and to a certain cute girl that has been on my mind a lot lately.
I'm pretty certain I won't have internet access in R.I. and I don't think I'll be able to hook up my laptop in Georgia so I won't be on AIM but I will be emailing and I'll try to update this live journal thingie.
Goodbye for now.