Jul 30, 2004 17:01
Hi I am Dan and this is my first time to post here. I need a little bit of help I'm 17 and going to be a senior in high school and I am writing an editorial to send in to the paper about how Bush has back stepped on his no child left behind program. Well I live in Mississippi and we just got a new governor Haley Barber. You see the problem is Bush came down and gave a speech in support for Haley Barber. Well the problem is Governor Barber has cut back huge funding for schools and is having teachers all over the state fired. Now I guess you could still call me a child although I wouldn't like it, but I really feel as if I am getting the shaft here. How can a teacher do her job effectively if the school systems are not getting the proper funding. If Bush put his stamp of approval on Haley Barber don't you think ,since they are good buddies, would have found out prior to all of the budget cuts and I don't know try and sway his political tact. Well if you could help me find more information I will site you in my paper just leave sufficient details that would be very helpful.