We don't cover incidentals- SO KEEP YOUR ASS OUT THE MINI BAR.

Feb 17, 2011 18:10

Well I'll just take this time stuck in transit to have a look at a few celeb sites, make sure I'm up to da- HELLO.


Well there's enough scandal and hearsay going on without me adding to it... >.> Though there is 27 voicemails on the ole BB asking about a few employees- previous and otherwise. Indeed. So it would seem. Listen could people stop causing upset when I'm out of town because the PAPERWORK, honestly. Who knew a film about whales could cause such a splash?


... I'll see myself out.

How was everyone's Valium Day? Mine's was FUCKING STUPENDOUS, thanks for asking. I was (still am) in New York, oh yes I was, The City that never Sleeps. Unless you have jet lag. Then it's The City that never Knocks, and Brings you in breakfast Regardless, and will Cough until you wake up long enough to hand over a Tip. Here's one- Don't Ever get Deep Heat and Vasaline mixed up. Don't you ever do that. That's just general advise. Also, never wake a sleeping Tim because He Will Punch You. Right in the throat. Those two tips are UNRELATED I would like to just specify that now, before anyone jumps on that idea (you know who you are).

He just PUNCHED me in the arm, because he's an arse who reads over my shoulder. I'm a beaten wife. We're stuck in the airport, haha, because apparently it is NEVER OKAY to shout BOMB and they've taken away our right to fly. That's not what happened, we'd definitely be in jail by now if it was, or shot dead, and that would put a damper on the romantic mini break at no mistake.

We just missed our flight, or not exactly our flight but our check in time. My bad. I'm not sorry, I'M NOT A BIT SORRY. I'm sitting on the plush (!) carpet of NY airport, eating a mother fucking bagel, listening to The Lonely Island with my Model beau. Smmmuuuug. But we have been here for a while now and I think we've gone a bit mad, but that's ok! Who Wants To See NY fashion week behind-the-scenes photos? WE DO WE DO WE DO!

Oh okaaaaay, you cheeky fucks.

HAHAHAHA. Oh come on, that was good. No? Fuck you.

Ooh Jon, You should be a model, no really, the intensity of your gaze, the strong line of your... t-shirt. Reason number 23 for why he should stay IN FRONT of the camera.

Aaannnnnd reason 24. 'Omg don't put up more photos of me.' Said he, making no attempt at stopping it from happening, "If you are at least do the one where I look pretty."


"Blue shirt. My arms look good in the blue shirt."

Oh look, so they do.

"Put one up of Jamie."


Ah yes, the brilliant Jamie Strachan, who is entirely lovely and doesn't at all make me want to kill myself in a fit of jealous rage every time I see his stupid perfect face. You might remember him from such times as Bes opening where he wore a skirt and little else, or just hanging out at my house in his pants touching my things. Here he is, getting his make up done, the great ponce.

(I quite like Jamie. I'm being unfair. But he's still a ponce.)

Even the coffee has a killer smile


I have a nice shot of Tim's agent's face at the exact moment he saw what Blue Eyes had done to his hair as well, but on request I have been asked to keep that one to myself. He's been banned from ever looking at a pair of scissors again. I quite like it. Tim's giving it mixed reviews from What was I thinking D: to I fucking HATE IT to I think it might have grown a bit last night. There's a lesson here kiddies- Wait Until The Morning before deciding to DIY, and also Don't Drink Alone.

It's not too bad. He should see some of my attempts at DIY jobs from The Povvo Days™, better yet, he should see Dan's attempts from when I was still too scared to use clippers on myself. Yeaaaaah, got over that fear quickly. At least his actually looks like a style still, it's just too short for his liking I think. Hair grows. The BF has spoken.

Can't believe it's back to work tomorrow. I'm going to be so dozy, this will be taken advantage of, no doubt. But still, I will just have to deal with it...

Like a boss.

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told you i was a good life partner, timothy boyd is a bit of a fox, hahaha, i love you, the beat that my heart skipped, oops, too happy for my own good., hi i'm jamie and i'm freakin' perfect, good, moth, photography

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