Grey, grey, grey, bright blinding blue, grey- Tuesdays.

Feb 08, 2011 21:25

It's grey because a) London b) rain and c) Hello, clipto, thanks for the leveler. Also this computer is highlighting grey as wrong. Gray. Oh I see. Tim, don't change my spell check you will give me a heart attack and I will think I'm rambling off in Hebrew again.

He's going off to NY tomorrow, you should see his case. Mountain lions couldn't make me unpack that bag at the other end. Where they would get the plane ticket for the journey they'd have to take me on I will never know.

Dan got me these-

They're good, huh? For now I have a couple of shark bites and a Dance Off. It was only after these were stuck on that Moth goes Aaaah Leg Hair. Thanks for that, I'm sure it will be delightful when I have to rip them off later. Do you remember being small and having to soak your graze in the bath before ripping off the plaster? I almost do, but Richk used to rip mine off for me. Loving boy.

Renne is sitting with a Jousting one on her face ala Nelly. she's holding healing crystals over my scars. What is this? Seriously. But you know, the skin feels all warm under the stones and there is a half inch gap between quarts and calf, so maybe there's something in it. I might become a Buddhist. I've got nothing else on.

What week of no drinking is this? Tim tells me it's almost nearly 3. Maybe I'll take up jogging, that might help the leg as well as the other health benefits. Or I could look into a cooking course, I hear they can be quite good fun. Or perhaps Origami, or maybe learn another instrument? One more wont hurt, I've always had a thing for a hang... or maybe I could take up Golf.

Or maybe, just maybe, I might go mad and kill you all.

Sleep well x

clinically fucked, jon you muppet, sundays mondays tuesdays bluedays, ouch, little wren, kill me now, this water is unfortunatly water, moth, bla bla bla, dan

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