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(screened) deadlyanthrax December 19 2009, 22:40:46 UTC
What I know about Judaism can be inscribed on the head of a pin with room left over for a few verses of "on top of old smokey" but I love you very much and I want to do whatever makes you happiest. If you wanted, I'd convert, I'm not a proper christian anyway what with the not believing in god, Jesus, one holy catholic and apostolic church, the communion of saints and so on.

I'm a stupid Gentile, please tell me when I'm being a stupidhead.


(screened) journal_etc December 20 2009, 23:59:43 UTC
I'm the worlds worst Jew, you're not allowed to be Jewish you'd do it better than me and I would sulk. You can't convert to being a Jew if you don't believe in God it's the same God give or take a few mood swings.

What are you on about being stupid for Wife of mine? You've been sadface this week, worried about Peter? Have them over if you want, we should do them a room in our mansion, they can pick their own paint and everything. Tenner on them wanting it blue.

Chin up, Annie, remember your song x


(screened) deadlyanthrax December 21 2009, 15:29:00 UTC
I'm sort of more agnostic than atheist, if that counts. Partly in case God/Yaweh/Allah/Buddah/Krishna/Santa comes back so I can say "I was never sure!" and try to blag my way into His/Her/It/They/Quad's good books, and partly because I don't have the conviction to NOT believe in anything as assuredly as proper atheists don't believe in God. I'm not a proper anything though, so that's no surprise. I'm one of those people that says "Hello Mr. Magpie" just in case.

Ugh. There's a long boring version and the one word version, which is: hormones. And yes, fucking nearly died about Pete.

Ok, just edited out a big long self indulgent rant that no one needs to hear ever. But yeah. That's basically what's going on.


(screened) journal_etc December 21 2009, 21:10:20 UTC
I believe. More fool me. I'm so fucked I should just go the whole hog and wave the atheist flag high and proud, I'm as smoten as any smit has ever been smited.

Ah you are just one big crazy bag of fun. Why does Nature do this to you? Not like you have enough to worry about with the impending birth and widening hips and breast milk fiasco.

Pete's a brave boy, he'll be ok. That one is a survivor.

Wicked bad wifey. You want me to pick you up anything on my way back? Cake etc?


(screened) deadlyanthrax December 21 2009, 21:20:48 UTC
If you're not going to heaven, I'm not either. Wouldn't be heaven without you.

It's really really horrible, I can be feeling fine and then all of a sudden I'm crying because I'm not very good at word searches. Breast milk. Fun times. My breasts are moody little bastards as well, they're like "Touch uuuussss, we're soooo ~sensitive~ tooooouch uuuuuu- OH FUCK, GENTLY GENTLY LESS IS MORE FOR FUCKS SAKE!"

I know he is, I just wish that he didn't have to be all of the time. :(

I think if I don't have a Greek Salad my life as I know it may be over. We need olive oil and fetta, if you grab some at a Tesco express then I can make it myself, much cheaper than buying a single portion.


(screened) journal_etc December 21 2009, 21:39:44 UTC
Oh ugh Nena, really? That's in the WORLD now, hahaha.

Aw darling girl. To be fair I cry at crosswords too. I have that same issue with my own breasts perhaps we can start a support group?

he'll be right. He's got his great big giant man to look after him sometimes as well you know.

Don't be silly I'll go to GreeksLikeUs because Ooooh my god best kebabs ever and now I'm actually so hungry I might eat my own face.


(screened) deadlyanthrax December 21 2009, 21:49:34 UTC
We had our one week-iversary three days ago, I'm allowed be soppy :P

You're just trying to make me feel better about my body deciding it hates me, don't think I can't see right through you.

He will be, I know he will, he's such a strong person, I just wish he was ok now.

*Sigh* I try and be sensible... ok xxx Are these kebabs from an actual named animal, my darling?


(screened) journal_etc December 21 2009, 22:01:10 UTC
Ah ha! Right you are.

It might hate you but I don't so who cares what it thinks?

He sounds ok to me. Traumatic something like that, he's dealing, it's fine. Have him over for a bit after Christmas and see how it goes.

Lamb I reckon? Do you want one as well? Or I could get you some Souvlaki if you're still craving chicken? x x x


(screened) deadlyanthrax December 21 2009, 22:17:33 UTC
I'm always right. Even when I'm wrong, I'm always right :P (except when I'm not)

Oh good <3 But it might feel left out and sad, you like it too right?

Grr. Logic. I don't know what it is about Pete, he's just... argh, it hurts me so much when he's hurting. I know that I can't smother him because even if he's my baby he's not a baby, he's a grown man and getting through all this is going to be a process and he's on the right track and all these sensible things, I just.... argh.

Mmmm lamb. It is both cute and delicious. Go on then xxx


(screened) journal_etc December 21 2009, 22:34:24 UTC
Yes dear.

I do like it too, though I wish it would be nicer to you. Argh, torn.

He's like a child in a man in a child all in a man. Or like a kitkat? Hard layer soft layer hard layer soft. I don't know I think I'm just hungry. I think you're fine to worry about him, no one would blame you. But yes this is his, and he's the only one who can make himself better. Well. A shrink would probably help but I can see that suggestion going down well.

Nice one, on my way back now x


(screened) deadlyanthrax December 21 2009, 22:48:05 UTC
Love you x

It likes you a lot more than it likes me.

Don't eat my boy, I'll cry. But yeah, I agree.

Did I mention that I love you? xxx


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