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bikini_bamalam December 19 2009, 14:48:08 UTC

Happy Jewmas Puppy. I bought u a xmas present even tho ur ppl killed jesus so u have 2 wait til next week cuz i'm american dammit <3


journal_etc December 19 2009, 15:19:48 UTC
Ten points to Slytherin.

I personally have never met Jesus. Nor do I wish him any immediate harm.


bikini_bamalam December 19 2009, 15:23:04 UTC

U dont need jesus, u already got 1 bearded man in ur life. 2 would just b overkill.


journal_etc December 21 2009, 00:08:43 UTC
I want a snake.

He's about as pedantic. I kid and Jest, I love my own personal Jesus. He's someone who hears my prayers, you know? Some one who cares. He really makes me glad that I reached out and touched faith.


[screen] bikini_bamalam December 21 2009, 09:25:42 UTC
Get one??

Reach out & touch sth, lol.

Did u know Jones is all sad that ur friends tried to rape his boyf lolololololololololololololololololololololforever why didnt u introduce me?


[screen] journal_etc December 21 2009, 09:49:00 UTC
I don't know if I would be allowed a snake and a baby I'd be off my tits and make them matching hats.

Oh Please. And get my fingers snapped up by a multitude of people including myself.

... Oh poor boy- that wasn't flirting, that was them giving Dan the cold shoulder actually. You know between them (and that is a very literal between) they fucked 7 people at that wedding. 7. I'm not even sure how.

They also supplied me a list of all the cute taken people and could I inform them if one of their partners died.


[screen] bikini_bamalam December 21 2009, 09:53:14 UTC
MATCHING HATS LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL and like little bow ties. NGL thats a ttly good reason 2 have a baby.

Aw I was only kidding Puppy, as if!

LOL rly? 7 ppl is ttly impressive, like who??? PLZ TELL ME I PROMISE I WONT TELL NEONE. Also who was on their cute list, was i?? I well wanna b lolololol.

I cant believe they laid 7 ppl and I didnt lay 1!!!! IS THIS WHAT BEING RESPECTABLE IS ALL ABOUT????????????????????????????


[screen] journal_etc December 21 2009, 10:10:44 UTC
Darling that's the ONLY reason to have a baby.

You know Ruby from Hong Kong Garden in Soho? Her, and Danny, Eric and Rachel from Tribalsquash, and MiMi Duke from Indigo, and both the Kerrin twins from UpperCuts.

You were on it, your date was on it, Pete was on it, Stitch was on it, Pip was on it, Lindsay was on it, Three of Annie's cousins, Annie's brother, Annie's DAD, Me, Annie, Me again, Max fucking Herbert (I forbid them), Tim, Ned, and Claire Ashcroft. Dan wasn't allowed because Michelle didn't like his beard and they were punishing him for not marrying me by not saying they would have sex with him so if he WAS marrying me one can only imagine how they might reward him...

You didn't? My My.


[screen] bikini_bamalam December 21 2009, 10:27:50 UTC
Ttly. That and baby Nikes.

LOL RUBY, rly????? Danny from Tribalsquash is so cute, no lie I saw him two or three times, hes a sweetheart. I'm amazed by their stamina lol <3

YAY! I like being on To Do's, lolololol. Tell them if they touch Mitch I will break their faces tho, no kidding, hes mine <3

Noooooo and NGL Puppy I mite go mental with the no laying business. Like yeaaaaa I want it 2 be special but OMG it would have been special if we didnt just go at it in the restrooms jeeeez.

It doesnt matter tho cuz i know it will b worth waiting, no kidding Puppy I think I'm in love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


[screen] journal_etc December 21 2009, 10:38:12 UTC
And the toys. You know I'm gonna be all about that nursery as soon as mummy and baby go out. I was to make a lego farm.

Yeaaaah They have a thing for piercings. Danny is cute yeah, I had a thing sooooort of with Eric for a little while, casual as anything, he bought me the best socks ever not even lying, they have My little pony's on them. It could have been love if we weren't so self absorbed.

They actually are quite moral girls in that sense, "No point breaking hearts over sex toys" as Renne so eloquently said one evening.

Have you had many nights with him? Or is it just timing? He works in a restaurant yeah? Tough break over Christmas :-/.

I dunno about that. They were pretty special restrooms.

Ah Tigger tiger! Really? That's sweet... and very unexpected. Go for gold girlie x x x


[screen] bikini_bamalam December 21 2009, 11:10:15 UTC
Oh no kidding! Like dont stop @ farms tho cuz clock this sweet lego car, ngl if I buy one 4 ur sprog (you) I'm ttly buying 1 for my stepbrother (me). Check it! http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2218/2399566046_e256f113be.jpg... )


[screen] journal_etc December 21 2009, 11:25:24 UTC
Why don't we own this already?? Make it so. Also- I bought you a castle shaped jelly mold the other day because I couldn't not, it has TURRETS Dajve.

Well exactly. I love those socks they are epic I will be sad when they die.

Aahh Well I wouldn't worry about it too much. Talking til you fall asleep is a good thing, I missed that the most in my stag years :-/ If you aren't the first time you just work at it don't stress needlessly.

Sex Act Scene one;

No I didn't as a matter of fact, My heavily pregnant wife thought it would be a brilliant idea however we just hadn't the time. Honestly, I just meant that they were nice. They were nice. The toilet guy in the mens gave me free gum I was chuffed.

Sounds like your perfect match hey? Keep your head girlie, don't stress and go with the flow, and you'll do brilliant x x x


[screen] bikini_bamalam December 21 2009, 11:36:53 UTC

No kidding, a bit of wee came out @ the thought of turrets, lol. Can I make a vodka jelly castle 4 ur bday???????????

I'll find u another pair cuz we're like friends 4 life and thats better than a shag from someone who works @ tribalsquash LOL.

Awwww stop giving me advice ur making me do dirt circles with my toes, lolololololol. It'll be ok rite? Like who am I kidding IDEC if it isnt straight away.

UGH pregnant. Like no kidding I know u probs can have sex with pregnant ladies but RLY does that mean u SHD????????? D-: D-: D-:


The toilets were nice yeaaaaaa. Free gum whut??? Y didnt I get any free gum? And more 2 the point, I HOPE U DIDNT EAT IT CUZ : TOILET GUM.

TY Puppy, I'll do my best :oD


[screen] journal_etc December 21 2009, 11:55:46 UTC
Good girl :D

I don't see why not. Vodka jelly, though, is rank.

TBF most things are better than a shag from someone who works at Tribalsquash.

Ah you're so sweet. It'll be fine don't stress x

I'm sorry- have you met my wife?

I think I just drank more and tried to convince an to do the lawnmower with me... I remember very little...

At ease x x x


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