Unscrew Cap- Remove Foil Seal.

Mar 07, 2009 20:56


Ashcroft I blame you entirely for what happened at the end of the day.

Still out of my box I was not only nice to the people on the interwebz but also to my FUCKING IDIOT ARMY. They now have Sunday off.

I don’t. They do.

The reason we were IN there on Saturday is because they’ve all been missing fucking deadlines for NEXT MONTH never mind the one just going to print.

Which, by the by, is literally going to be a lavender mag this month because they took my answer of “Purple.” To everything as verbatim and now everything is FUCKING purple. Text? Purple. Front cover? Purple. Picture tint? Purple. Borders? Purple.

I don’t even LIKE purple. Purple has NO PLACE in SugaRape.

It appears that my little toadies lack a certain aptitude on knowing when one is in serious business editor mood and when one is off of his fucking face on cocaine and all that, absolute total bilk- you get me?

The whole fucking time in the office spent just fornicating fido.  Hopefully we can just land it on the Hudson anyway.

Ashcroft you tit-wank. You bloody fucking… deviant.

I can’t even blame you. I was looking for an excuse anyway not to be there. But as the sole virtuoso of SugaRape someone’s got to be there to keep things moving. Or at least crawling.

Pass on my regards to your prodigy kid, yeah? Need some fresh fucking clot in this building.

The whole fucking day for me is going to be one long painful retro cringe I think.

Jonatton Yeah? Officially lost his cool. Spread it around, it’s not often it happens.

It was drug induced though.

OH GOD. Ashcroft? The talk about Izzy? Our DLS, alright? No ifs, No buts, either forget it or lock it away deep inside you never to surface.

Elanor; That picture? NSFL. I loved it. You need to write something for me, babes yeah? Well plastic.

Well Plastic? It’s happened.

Barley was fucking yellular all day on his little MP3/phone/TV/microwave/girlfriend and he has given me such a headache and now I’m talking like him in the privacy of my own digs? Disappointment.

Im on a brutal come down now, total fatality. I have dinner being delivered and time to chow that and then I’m out again tonight for some underground new release scene fashion fix. Said to be the greatest new look to come out of Hoxditch in the last umpteen years but I have this strange feeling of deja moo.

Hopefully I don’t overdose on all the sargasms I’m sure to have tonight.

Also could somebody please take Lilly Allen out and have her shot?

muchos gracias and co.

my god he was right, fucking purple, idiots, end it, this water isn't chilled., where's my charlie, quel est le point?, work, barley, just fuck off, do not want, what fresh hell is this?, someone do it for me, ffs, fuck fuck fuck, sugarape, sadtimes, dan, brain rape

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