
Dec 29, 2012 13:43

Title: Nightmares
Pairing: Tetsu/Hyde
Raiting: PG-13
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Hyde has frightening nightmares!

„Hyde! Hyde!“

Hyde turned around and saw Ken running through the hallway of the studio.

“What's up Ken, where's Tet-chan? I thought we were going to practice?”

Seconds later Hyde found himself tightly embraced by Ken's arms.

“Hyde...” he whispered. “Tet-chan had a traffic accident...”

“WHAT?” Hyde screamed. He pushed Ken away roughly. “Where is he? Which hospital? I need to see him!”

Ken looked down on him with sad eyes.

“Hyde...he died...”

Hyde didn't know whether the scream from his lungs was only a part of his dream as his eyes shot open and he found himself in his and Tetsu's shared bed, panting heavily. He realized he had been dreaming when he found Tetsu by his side, sleeping peacefully. Hyde sighed deeply. He his heart was beating quickly in his chest and he felt small tears that had formed in the corners of his eyes. He rubbed his eyes quickly, but felt the strong urge to be closer to his beloved one, so he cuddled closely into Tetsu's arms and tried to forget what he had been dreaming about.


The next morning Tetsu woke up, because Hyde's soft hair was tickling his nose. He opened his eyes to see the others arms warped tightly around his waist and his face buried in his chest. Tetsu smiled softly. He wondered what had brought Hyde into this position. It was not that Hyde didn't like to fall asleep in Tetsu's arms, but usually he wasn't exactly this cuddly while sleeping. Usually he would wake up seeing Hyde sleeping on the other side of the bed, having kicked away anything that was disturbing him, including the blanket and much to Tetsu's delight most of his clothes. But he didn't mind feeling Hyde this close in the morning, it was a really nice feeling. He softly stroked Hyde's hair and held him tightly. Tetsu knew practice is an extremely important part of being a band, but this day he found it honestly regrettable that he had to wake up Hyde.


“Ohhhhh Haido, Haido! Look at this!”

The big cliffs offered Hyde and Tetsu a wonderful view over the sea below. Hyde couldn't remember that he had ever seen cliffs as high as these! But Tetsu seemed to love the view up here a lot, so Hyde was happy they had went here.

“Uhm..Tet-chan? Could you stay away a little from the edge?” he asked a little worried, but he found Tetsu laughing at him.

“Don't worry, I'm safe!”

While he heard Tetsu laughing Hyde stared in horror at the edged of the cliff slowly breaking apart and cracks forming underneath Tetsu's feet.

“Tetsu!” he screamed. “Tetsu, come here!”

But it was too late! He saw Tetsu falling down from the cliffs and felt his heart breaking into pieces.


Hyde shot his eyes open and looked in Tetsu's worried eyes.

“What's wrong? I heard you scream my name while sleeping!”

Hyde looked around confused. There were no cliffs and no sea. He was in the studio where they had been practicing earlier and he had fallen asleep during the break on the exact same couch, he had been falling asleep on so many times before. He looked back at Tetsu and sucked in a deep breath. But he couldn't resist throwing his arms around Tetsu's neck and pulling him as close as he could manage.

“Baby, baby....” he whispered desperately. “You are here!”

Tetsu stroke his hair gently and held him tight.

“Of course I'm here! What's wrong Haido?”

Hyde tilted his head to kiss Tetsu's cheek, when he suddenly noticed both Ken and Yukkie staring at them. He blushed furiously and pushed Tetsu back slightly.

“N-nothing! Everything is alright!” he stuttered and walked back to his micro. “Let's go on practicing, okay?”


Tetsu was worried. He really was. He had seen Hyde in many states of mind. He had seen him diva-like, he had seen him shy. He had seen him both happy and unhappy. He had seen him bouncy and hyper as well as melancholic and thoughtful. But he had never never heard his voice shake. He had never heard him singing shaky or unsure. It made Tetsu worry a lot. It made him wanna go over to that small guy he loved so much and hug him tight and reassure him that everything was okay. But he knew that Hyde wouldn't have liked that. Not in front of everybody. Even though he might know that everybody had noticed the shakiness of his voice already. Tetsu sighed. This wasn't going anywhere. Practice wouldn't work like this and besides he wanted to make sure Hyde was alright.


On the way back home Tetsu drove the car silently. Hyde had once again fallen asleep on his seat and Tetsu didn't want to disturb him at all. He seemed so restless, so nervous. Maybe resting would help him to relax.

Hyde and Tetsu went along a crowded road somewhere in Tokyo. Hyde knew the road, it was close to their home. He had gripped Tetsu's hand tightly and they were chatting happily. Suddenly, from a nearby bank, a shot was heard and loud screams. A man with a mask and a gun ran on the street right in front of them.

Tetsu noticed Hyde stirred nervously in his sleep. Good thing we are almost home! He thought. Maybe he can sleep better in our bed.

Hyde wasn't able to move. He just stared at the man in front of them. It was like a slow motion movie scene. Hyde noticed, that the both of them blocked the guy's way. He opened his mouth, he wanted to say something, but he heard the shot, and he knew the bullet was going straight into Tetsu's heart.

Tetsu parked the car in front of their home. Hyde was moving restlessly while sleeping and Tetsu wondered what the hell he was dreaming. He had stopped the car got off and opened Hyde's door, when he noticed the small tears running down Hyde's soft cheeks.

No sound left Hydes throat as he fell down on Tetsu's dead body. Only hot tears streaming down his cheeks. The world had lost all it's sounds and the only thing he could see was Tetsu, the one he loved most of all and that he had lost forever now..

Tetsu shook Hyde's body not-so-gently.

“Wake up baby!” he almost screamed. Finally Hyde's eyes flattered open and he looked at Tetsu with wet eyes.

“'re dead?”

Tetsu looked at him confusedly, before suddenly realizing what must have happened. He quickly pulled Hyde in a tight embrace.

“No Haido, I'm not dead...I'm here, don't worry...”

He picked Hyde up gently and carried him inside their apartment, his face buried in Tetsu's neck, a last few tear drops wetting Tetsu's skin. But he didn't mind. He didn't mind anything at all, but making Hyde feel better and make him forget about the nightmares Tetsu assmued he must have had. Usually Hyde wouldn't like being carried like this. Not at all. But right now, he didn't mind. He didn't anything at all, but being close to Tetsu, reassuring himself that the other was close to him alive as always and seeking for he warmth of his body.

Tetsu sat Hyde down on their couch carefully and pulled him close into his embrace.

“Don't worry haido, I will not leave you! I will stay with you!”

He kissed Hyde's hair gently. Opposite to his usual behavior Hyde crawled in Tetsu's lap and once sitting there comfortably, he looked up at his lover.

“I..I don't want to let you go Tet-chan! Never ever! When I dream you're's the most horrible thing I can imagine!”

He clang to Tetsu tightly. When he said he never wanted to let go, he was quite serious. He never wanted to be without Tetsu!

“Haido...stop worrying..we have many more years together, right?” Tetsu stroked Hyde's hair. I'll be here for you, and nothing can separate us, okay?”

Hyde nodded. “But I still will not let you go at all!” He nodded again.

Tetsu couldn't help but chuckle at Hyde's behaviour.

“As you wish baby, as you wish!”

And some hours later, when Hyde had fallen asleep in Tetsu's lap, without any struggling this time, Tetsu picked him up and carried him to bed, taking him close in his arms. Hyde slept peacefully through this nights and many many nights to come.

fluff, pg-13, tetsu/hyde, oneshot

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