Oct 08, 2008 00:55
First off, and this is weird coming from me, but this entry might offend. If it does....just undertand that this is a big issue to me. I don't expect everyone to agree or see eye to eye. I do require people to use brains though... =( Please read and please feel free to comment. ~_~
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I am not a person who normally announces my political views. I have enjoyed sitting around and talking about some political “topics” that have affected our country, but I wasn’t one to say that one political party was better than another in whole. Just like I would not say that one person was better than another cause people are more complicated than that. We each have our pros and cons, our strengths and weaknesses. I also believe that people should be free to choose and not having another person’s opinion forced down their throat. I like the truth…I like unbiased truth…I like to know ALL the information, as much as I can, just like I don’t like rumors or gossip. If I heard something through the grapevine, than I would hunt and ferret around until I finally found the root of it, even if it meant going to the source and saying, “This is what I heard. Is it true?” And then that was it…..I didn’t pass on mindless gossip; I’m not a follower just for following’s sake.
If asked to choose a political party….I guess you could have said I was an Independent, although more than once I choose/voted for someone who stood upon a Republican podium. But I didn’t vote “Republican”, or even “Democrat”, just to vote for that person because they choose red or blue, or an Elephant or a Donkey.
I am “frustrated” right now….because we have before us, not only a history making Presidential Election but a very important one. Our country is in trouble. Maybe some out there have been living with their head in the sand over just the last 4 years and convinced that their life was okay. But I don’t know of one single person who has not been, or knows of someone who has been, affected in some form or fashion with what has happened here with recent events. Those heads are being forced out of the sand now….and forced to look around at not only what is affecting them, but effecting America as a whole and the way the world is NOT functioning beyond our boarders.
So….if there was ever a time to go out there and research what you hear McCain or Obama talking about, NOW is the time. The internet is having the truth and easy research at your fingertips. There is even a website called “factcheck.org”…go check it out! Stop letting your self be fed the propaganda your chosen party has elected to force feed down you open and gapping mouth.
And you know what….take the goggles off your eyes. Quit seeing the colors of either red or blue, but more importantly stop seeing white or black. If you can’t get past that and look at REAL ISSUES than you’re Right to Vote Card should be revoked! The same goes if you just want to jump on the “Yea, Woman Power” band wagon. I wasn’t a Hillary fan, but you know what Palin is no better. She is actually worse. At least Hillary was passionate about things; she wanted to make a difference. Palin just wants to treat this like a Beauty Pageant contest. OUR COUNTRY, OUR JOBS, OUR CHILDREN, OUR BANK ACCOUNTS, OUR WAY OF LIFE, OUR AMERICAN PRIDE is at stake here!!
If there was ever a time to put your race aside or your sex aside during a Presidential election, that time is now!!!!
If you want to participate in a “Popularity Contest” than go back to high school and leave the real issues to the true grown ups. If you want to just blindly follow behind someone that only seems to be able to throw out slanderous adds and not really talk truthfully about the issues they want to stand behind and YOU BELIEVE THEM WITHOUT FACT CHECKING ANYTHING than you deserve the crap you are going through right now. I know that sounds harsh…but now is not a time to be sugar coating anything, just like it is not a time to be fighting over whether Obama is Patriotic because he does or does not hold his hand over his heart during the pledge allegiance to the American Flag. There are a bigger issues out there…like does his health care plan fit what your family needs? Do you feel like his take on bringing our husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, sons, & daughters finally home is a good plan? How about how he looks at our economic situation? Get past the petty issues and make a choice on what is actually going to affect our country for the next 4 years. I’m not saying you have to vote for him, I’m just saying that if you’re not…that it had better be because his choices or answers on these important topics does not fit what you feel it should. Not because your favorite actor or actress didn’t support him, or because heaven forbid….you have a fear that he will become the HNIC and suddenly see African Americans take over every single job that is currently being held by White people. Please fast-forward to the currant decade and get a grip!!
The same goes for McCain. If you’re voting for him great!! Than maybe you can explain to me what it is that he is going to do different than what we are currently going through. Cause so far, I haven’t really heard anything. Instead his answers and Palin’s have been general and vague. I have also seen and heard them speak from both sides of their mouths. At one point he is trying to tell the American People that we are not in an economic crisis, and then suddenly he has to put his entire campaign on hold because our economic concerns needed to be put first? To me, that seems to be wishy-washy. Just like the fact that McCain at first said he wasn’t going to do a negative type campaign. So far that is all that I have seen come out of the McCain camp. I want to see what they THINK about things, how he wants to make things better for our country, not what they see as the latest dirt on their opponent. I also want to see examples of how he was a “Maverick” in standing against his own party. All I’ve seen so far is just his word on it. And if he DID, than apparently he wasn’t very effective. What we need right now is someone who can be effective and be a real Sheriff in Washington; not a “cause I say I am”.
I also would like to see Palin answer a question straight in her own words instead of stating the answers she seems to have been given and then defaulting back to. It has caused her to come across like a robot, with no passion. It truly makes her look like only the beauty pageant contestant instead of an intelligent woman with her own views on things. I’m not saying she is not intelligent or that she doesn’t have her own thoughts on the currant events. I am saying that her own party seems to be keeping a tight rein and muzzle on her, with only the words they want her to say being allowed out. I’m all for getting to see the first woman in the Oval Office in more than just a “First Lady” status, however how are we any closer in achieving that when Sarah Palin is honestly being treated as nothing more than a commodity. To have that in the Oval Office…I’m sorry, but how is that anything to be proud of in getting the step up? To be forced to keep silent? To be used for your gender and not because of what you can actually bring to the campaign? Now, this doesn’t mean I agree with what few views I have heard her say, but this does mean I want to see her more as a Vice President candidate and not as a walking talking Barbie Doll.
Anyways, I’m done with the nick picking. I’m done with the accusations of who did what and who truly did what. I want to know the facts and I want to know what promises to help out our struggling economy, and therefore equally struggling families, is going to be kept. I no longer want to hear racial or age slurs. And if you’re last ditch effort to gain some ground in the political poles is to sling some “speculative” dirt around about him who is opposing you….than I have another channel to watch. Come November 4th may the best man win!! And may the people who have voted him in not regret their decision in the years that follow…