Jan 13, 2009 18:39
For those of you who have read the Soul Mates series....
I've just finished up work for the day... which included making outline notes on Soul Mates 5. It's not my main focus at the moment, but I will work on it occasionally when my contemporary gives me fits. Right now, I'm staring at the SM5 outline (mostly things-that-need-to happen notes and not a true outline, lol) and thinking that something is missing.
That I've forgotten something important that's *supposed* to be there in this next book. Which leads me to questions, of course!
* What do YOU want to see happen in the next book? ETA: Minus, of course, for the relationships to dissolve from four to two. Sorry y'all... not gonna happen!
* Is there something that you want to see wrapped up?
* Something that MUST be wrapped up because not knowing is driving you crazy?
* Characters that have fallen off the map, but still have story you expected to see
* Anything else?
Now remember, I'm NOT taking a poll for what to include in the next book. I'm just kind of hoping that something in the comments will help jog my memory for that "missing thing" I can't seem to pinpoint.
Want to humor me??
**Warning: If you haven't read the series, then you probably don't want to hang out and read the comments, lol!**
soul mates