DOUBLE & 清水翔太!!!

Nov 23, 2009 00:36

I got my lovely copy of shimizu Shota and Double Collabo CD the day it came out!!! I love my mizu!!!
DOUBLE is kool too I have lots of her songs on my iPod.
They are both sweet smooth R&B singers.
I've supported Shota even before he debuted O.O! たくさんのLOVE for Him >.
「おやすみのキスを~Good Night My Love~」
It's really really good please consider getting a copy or download whatever just listen!
I have to hear it before I go to sleep at

Here is the inside of the CD

The whole theme makes me have a クリスマス feeling and 温もる inside >.<
I'm sooo happy they did this collabo! It's the best Collabo he has done so far :)
It's so good that I had to buy the other VERSION too! Shota support!!!


I have never been this busy with school before in my life. College is crazy hard! しょうがないね。。。
I'm breathing so I'm still alive lol
Good Night my Loves LOL (pun)
じゃね :)

清水翔太, shimizu shota, school, music, college

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