Gah, this week has been a fucking rollercoaster; Kris and I finally broke up. Called me a stalker and obsessed when I confronted him at his work after he had been avoiding me ever since Monday, which is just hilarious. Told me that he couldn't constantly be 2nd best to my Japanese bands which is understandable (Even though he was mistaken since he was referencing a KOREAN band), but he could have told me and I could have worked on it. Also lied about his phone, and I quote: "My phone is broke, all I see is a text screen when someone texts me so I say 'okay'". BULL FUCKING SHIT I messaged him asking if he was in class, he said 'yes' and then he said 'okay' when I told him to call me when he got out. Those responses are too accurate for 'just a text screen'. *Rolls eyes*
Anyway, I'm much happier now and wondering if I should ask my last ex to give me another chance (Because I was a complete moron and admit it). I met him after class today and I saw his hair was longer which surprised me. When I told him I liked it, he said he thought I would...MEAN. Anyway...I shared much more of DBSK with him and he still wants to be with me so it's not my fault Kris is so insecure. I just need to ask him how he'd feel about partying without me or me never leaving his side if he managed to get me to go out to a party with him since being around a large number of people frightens me. That'll have to wait until hopefully Sunday or Monday though because I want to discuss it in person. I can't forget that he kissed me on the cheek a few times, it was sweet. ♥
*Sighs* Okay, moving on...Actually got The Secret Code yesterday and I'd have to say my top 3 are 'Nobody Knows', 'Stand Up!', and 'TAXI'. From the previews, I knew I'd love 'Nobody Knows' and I had a feeling I'd like 'TAXI' but I don't remember having a definite opinion on 'Stand Up!'. I got Yunho's card too sooo...If anyone wants to trade that has Su? Maybe? ^^; I also ordered the 2CD version for the non-stop remix, please let me know if you want it. Also, let me know if you want the PV for Purple Line and what dimensions. I haven't ripped it yet.