[Duklyon] [fic] [drabble] Problem at Hand

Oct 25, 2010 12:00

For mumumugen, original prompt: Duklyon / Takeshi solo. Where he's touching himself and realizes he's fantasizing about Kentarou.

And for everyone else who thinks the Internet has a severe lack of Kentarou x Takeshi.

[Written way earlier this year as comment fic, but at least one other person wanted to see it so I figured I'd put it up here.]

Problem at Hand
Fandom: Duklyon
Pairing: Takeshi solo, implied Takeshi x Kentarou
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 773
Summary: It was a contest of wills.

It was a contest of wills. Takeshi stared down his opponent in the dark as best he could, angry, bitter, annoyed, and frustrated. Unyielding and hard it stood proud undeterred by the young man’s glare. The room was quiet save for the labored breathing of its sole occupant and the eerie blue light of the desk clock blinked to read 2:08.

Ignoring it didn’t seem to be an option as Takeshi at attempted that an hour ago and only tossed and turned frustrated at the treacherous uprising of his body. Glaring wasn’t working either even though Takeshi considered his expression to be quite intimidating when the occasion arose. And a situation had indeed arisen. It was a healthy normal occurrence among males after the first blush of puberty, but just because some years had passed since the irritating start of embarrassment and lack of control didn’t mean Takeshi had to like or tolerate it. While most boys his age were probably more than happy to take the problem in hand to resolve the matter he rarely gave in to the urge preferring cold showers and math formula recitations as a solution. Only it would raise questions from his parents if he up and took a shower at this hour and that wasn’t worth the embarrassment.

Okay, maybe if he did it quickly and clinically it wouldn’t be so bad Takeshi told himself. With one hand he reached down took hold of the traitorous flesh, using his free arm to cover his eyes. Just a couple of strokes and he should be finished. Like scratching an itch although didn’t doctors say you shouldn’t scratch itches? But a few efficient strokes didn’t bring him off at all and if anything stoked the fire in his gut further.

This might need mental stimulation to reach a quick conclusion. Takeshi pretended the hand on him wasn’t his own but it belonged to … a girl! A nice girl with big hands? Geez he wasn’t good at this fantasy thing at all. So she had big hands and knew how to touch him without being shy or anything - not that his hypothetical girlfriend got around the block or anything she was just intuitive. All right so intuitive, nice girl with big hands was on the bed next to him. Wait, wait, wait! Wasn’t the girl supposed to be under him or something? Well that wasn’t very practical as he was on his back and it would be weird to try and flip over just for a fantasy… all right she’s next to him and it’s okay because it’s not like she’s on top of him because that would also be abnormal.

And she was saying “Ahh, Shukaidou is so,” uh big? Manly? Virile? Takeshi furrowed his brow trying to think of the right words. She’d say, “Shukaidou is such a good boyfriend!,” yeah that’s it! Only the voice in his head sounds way too high-pitched to be appealing and “Shukaidou” sounded kind of stiff even if a lot of girls called their boyfriends by their surnames. A lower voice would be better, kind of husky but playful and called him “Takeshi.” Much much better, Takeshi groaned quietly rubbing himself at a faster pace, now leaking. He paused his self-pleasure for a few seconds to kick off his pajama bottoms and then resumed.

Now that he was getting more into it Takeshi wanted to try to visualize the hypothetical girlfriend. She wouldn’t be any permutation of blonde as that would be way too close to Erii’s looks for comfort. Black hair? Eh, that didn’t seem that interesting. Maybe brown, a rich brown that was much softer to the touch than it looked and it already looked plenty soft. With chocolate brown eyes to match, that seemed like a good combination and his body must’ve thought so too because now Takeshi was on the edge of climax.

He imagined now that his hypothetical partner would kiss his neck and maybe even tease him a little before letting him find relief. Again that husky voice would be whispering to him, maybe would laugh and ask him him, “Are you ready, Takepon?”

Just as the implication of his fantasy hit him, orgasm did too much to Takeshi’s mortification. The image of Kentarou in his mind didn’t subside even after his muscles relaxed and he wiped his hand on the sheets. Normally this would call for a freak-out to end all freak-outs and Takeshi valiantly tried to stay awake to properly, neurotically deny what happened. But body sated he was nearly asleep and slipping fast into slumber. He could panic in the morning.

drabbles, duklyon, slash, fic

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