mumumugen and
auragirl! I can never thank you enough for all the feedback and support!
Rating: pg
Spoilers: none
Warnings: slash
Characters: Naoki + Souji
Summary: Naoki thought he was a late-bloomer.
The more he thought it about it, it probably wasn’t a girl or guy thing. For the longest time he thought he was a “late-bloomer” as Sis used to tease him. That one day he’d start liking people (girls) on account of hormones or something.
That day hadn’t really come yet, but…
But when Souji laughed at his jokes and let him ramble about strange things and made a lunch big enough to share-
Well maybe it wasn’t a hormonal thing at the onset, not really. Maybe it was supposed to be an understanding thing or a caring thing.
Seemed to him that was the trigger, kindness and devotion, because after that his body caught up soon enough. The intensity of those dreams surprised Naoki, though now he could finally put a name to the frission that shot up his spine when Souji’s hand brushed his.
Mostly though, Naoki’s come to the conclusion he’s not a late-bloomer so much as a different kind of bloom altogether.
After all, even with hormones kicking in, no one else really caught his eye.
Rating: pg
Spoilers: none
Warnings: implied slash
Characters: Nanako, Dojima, Souji+Yosuke
Summary: Nanako is pretty sure her teacher is wrong about the definition of dating.
"I think Teacher's wrong,” Nanako said suddenly while doing her homework on the coffee table.
Dojima looked up from his newspaper and chuckled "And why's that Nanako?"
"Well," she began, eager to impart her newfound wisdom. "Teacher says that when a boy and a girl spend time together it's called dating. And they end their dates with a kiss. But when girls or boys hang out it's called 'friendship.'
“I see, well that sounds about right,” her father agreed.
"But when big brother goes out with Miss Chie or Miss Yukiko they never kiss," Nanako declared authoritatively.
"Nanako, sometimes people wait until they're a little older to kiss."
"Nuh-uh. 'Cause when big brother goes out with Mr. Yosuke, they kiss when they think I'm not looking."
It was official, his sister was going to murder him.
"So that's why I think Teacher has it backwards!"
If the embarrassing explanations didn’t do him in first.
** * **