Apr 29, 2008 19:37
Holy hell, today kicked my ass! I had the best day!! :D
We had over 125 packages come in today, 87 of them were 9 pounds each. Super light, but very aerobic because I had to catch them from UPS guy and then toss them into a pile.. we moved fast, and it got my heart rate up a bit because I got to trot over and stack them and then jog back over and grab more, etc. Then we got to the 10 30lbs boxes, then the 10 45lbs boxes, then a few 59lbs boxes! *flex* so it went from aerobics to weights, and then I had to move the boxes onto their own pallets, so back to aerobics again! Then I did a bunch of organizing, some climbing around to grab some product to send out, sweeping and all that... So yeah, I'm so fucking pooped! My arms are very sore and <3 that too.
I wish I had a bathtub to soak in though. All I have is a 3x3 shower that only has hot water enough for about 15-20 minutes tops. But I'm pleased to announce my new showerhead arrived! Once it's installed I'll post some before and after pics. :)