Well, as far as posting your fanfic in your journal is concerned, that's not too bad. You just go about posting in your journal like usual, but just follow a format. I'd use this one (I just took it from the sasuxnaru community since I gather you'll post there eventually), just copy and paste. Which includes:
Fanfic Title: title, chapter # of # Author: Rating: with warnings Genre: Wordcount: Summary: <*A HREF*=*"URL"*>fanfiction title<*/a*> or a Livejournal Cut to post the text in your actual journal <*lj-cut text*=*"catchy phrase"*> The fanfic chapter...or whatever <*/lj-cut*> And these without the asterisks of course. :)
Not ALL of that information about the fic is needed, but you can insert/delete what you want. Just follow the format and it should be easy to figure out once you do it a couple of times. It's much neater to use LJ cuts, for your own purposes and for the people viewing your journal. So I would get used to using them regularly for when you post fic, they really do come in handy!
Now, for posting in a community, if you get the journal thing packed down, it's just a few more steps. First of all, you need to make sure that you are apart of the community to post in it and that you have posting access. You would still go about posting like in own journal, but instead of having the *user be you* you change it to the community you're going to post in. And you can go about changing that where it says: "Post to:" on the journal entry page.
Then you just follow the same format as above. You could either post the fanfiction to the community using the Livejournal cut, or you could just link them from the community to the fanfiction chapter post that you made on your journal. It is easier to go with the latter in my opinion, because then all of the feedback you receive will be in one place. But both are just as effective in getting the job done.
Interacting with communities are the same as posting...if you have a question/fanfiction rec/or discussion topic...just change the user from 'jotsalot' to whatever community you want to post in. Then have at it, just make sure you read the rules for some communities. Because I know that for sasuxnaru, posts of that nature require a friend-lock sometimes. Just ease into it and you'll be a Livejournal Expert before you know it. :))
And that ends my explanation. I hope this didn't confuse you further! >_> Let me know if you have any other questions. :D
Okay, this time it was intentional that I didn't reply for a while, LOL, but only because I wanted to take all of your advice and use it first! Thank you SO much because it was super helpful. I feel much more comfortable with posting stories now.
I do have one more question, and perhaps you can help me with it. It would be nice to post current fics on here so I would need to post chapters I've already written...and I see that a lot of people have little library links that they've created on the side panel. Is that something I am able to do? And if so...how?
Again, thank you sooo much. I would hug you if there wasn't a computer screen restricting me. <3
Well, as far as posting your fanfic in your journal is concerned, that's not too bad. You just go about posting in your journal like usual, but just follow a format.
I'd use this one (I just took it from the sasuxnaru community since I gather you'll post there eventually), just copy and paste. Which includes:
Title: title, chapter # of #
Rating: with warnings
<*A HREF*=*"URL"*>fanfiction title<*/a*> or a Livejournal Cut to post the text in your actual journal <*lj-cut text*=*"catchy phrase"*> The fanfic chapter...or whatever <*/lj-cut*> And these without the asterisks of course. :)
Not ALL of that information about the fic is needed, but you can insert/delete what you want. Just follow the format and it should be easy to figure out once you do it a couple of times. It's much neater to use LJ cuts, for your own purposes and for the people viewing your journal. So I would get used to using them regularly for when you post fic, they really do come in handy!
Now, for posting in a community, if you get the journal thing packed down, it's just a few more steps. First of all, you need to make sure that you are apart of the community to post in it and that you have posting access. You would still go about posting like in own journal, but instead of having the *user be you* you change it to the community you're going to post in. And you can go about changing that where it says: "Post to:" on the journal entry page.
Then you just follow the same format as above. You could either post the fanfiction to the community using the Livejournal cut, or you could just link them from the community to the fanfiction chapter post that you made on your journal. It is easier to go with the latter in my opinion, because then all of the feedback you receive will be in one place. But both are just as effective in getting the job done.
Interacting with communities are the same as posting...if you have a question/fanfiction rec/or discussion topic...just change the user from 'jotsalot' to whatever community you want to post in. Then have at it, just make sure you read the rules for some communities. Because I know that for sasuxnaru, posts of that nature require a friend-lock sometimes. Just ease into it and you'll be a Livejournal Expert before you know it. :))
And that ends my explanation. I hope this didn't confuse you further! >_> Let me know if you have any other questions. :D
I do have one more question, and perhaps you can help me with it. It would be nice to post current fics on here so I would need to post chapters I've already written...and I see that a lot of people have little library links that they've created on the side panel. Is that something I am able to do? And if so...how?
Again, thank you sooo much. I would hug you if there wasn't a computer screen restricting me. <3
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