new installment of Hope Triumphant by Parda

Nov 20, 2014 22:33

wow, I was really surprised to just see this, and I must say I'm very happy she's still working on this -

"About seventeen years ago, back when the show was still on, I wrote a
story about Cassandra that somehow turned into a saga. If anyone out
there is still interested, there's another installment finished.

Hope Triumphant III- Anamchara
As mortals die and the world keeps changing, Cassandra, Methos, Connor,
and Duncan each seek partners for the years to come. Set in 2029-2082.
Includes Amanda, Ceirdwyn, Gregor, and Michelle Webster
Contains sex and murder, death and life, swearing and dancing, etc.
Pairings include (but are not limited to) Cassandra/Connor and

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