
Nov 16, 2009 13:35

You are reader number 112th so you've been selected to win a page of my life. Enjoy.

I haven't been much of a blogger this year I know, and I am fairly certain that my future self will come to hate me for all the great memories left unrecorded. So this is an attempt to revive a few of them. (ps: I realised I like twitching my nose in addition to smiling lately, now wherever did I get that habit from?)

So... the major turning points of life this year.

Last year, I discovered my addiction to travelling. But this year, apart from the three amazing weeks at Phuket, I was utterly deprived. The closest I got to actually travelling was three trips to LCCT either to send people off on their glorious trips or to drop off bags for ingrates. You know how it is when addicts cannot access what they need. They go slightly insane. I plan to address this situation by adding in copious amounts of travelling next year. Funding? I'll do whatever it takes to get me the money.

This plan begins with a trip to Bali early in 2010 with the girls. Short six days (in actual fact, FOUR) but I'm gonna make sure it's a SWEET six days. It then resumes with a graduation trip to the USA. (well, hopefully) if that doesn't work out, then somewhere near will have to suffice. And then Europe for 2 months! (Countries to be covered - UK, Netherlands, Hungary, Czech Republic, Austria, Germany)

And then the plan is to fly into Vietnam and teach English and earn some good old $$$. (Okay... or get a job at Club Med as specified by my previous plan. I heard however, that their pay sucks. OR succumb to the drudgery of climbing the corporate ladder - find a journalism job)

Anyway, I digressed. Back to this year.

As you would have known, I was completely engrossed in a domestic (as opposed to whirlwind) romance with none other than the amazing Hungarian dude Bera. Things were fine and dandy until he had to leave back to the UK and find a job, becoming one of those boring people with jobs and a tired, tragic life. (which unfortunately includes me now, until January, that is.) Anyway, to cut a long story short, not having your girlfriend/boyfriend right beside you during the times you most need him/her is a terrible feeling and so we cut it off to feel a tad bit better. We tell each other everything and are still the best of friends, but that's about where it ends. I'm now single and as available as can be.

Breaking up maturely was perhaps one of the hardest things I had to go through this year. It wasn't very easy but you get to see things a little clearly after. I will forever value the year we spent together... and the many years to come. This is my promise to what we have between us.

Another major event in my life. I lost my father this year. People are always shocked to see me being happy and smiling all the time now but what is there to frown about? Should I stop living my life because someone supposedly closest to me died? The only regret I have is that I did not have enough time to get to know the real him, thus never will.

Couchsurfing. One of my new interests. I have been hosting so many people lately that I'm beginning to suffer a burnout, therefore I have stopped for now. But Couchsurfing has been a major part of my life these past months, beginning with Nadia and then continuing with a list of amazing people - Luke, Simon, Martin, Cerian, Carl, Peter, Audran, Nathalie, Cyril, Frank, Erik, Phuc, Adrian, Christopher and Hung Chou. I will become the ultimate host once I've moved out and gotten a place of my own. Now that will be the beginning of it all.
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