bumming the day away.

Aug 04, 2008 03:12

here i am, sitting in front of the television.
it's been a long time since I've stared mindlessly into the idiot box
and it feels kind of good, to be honest, to just let your mind wander, and not think about real life, at least for a little while.
I've been sitting (and lying) in front of the TV since like 10.30pm and it's now 3.30am... watching The OC.
it's nice to just get completely soaked up with the many overly exaggerated and illogical shit people get into in TV soaps.

you cry, laugh, smile, get angry at the screen, but really, you're just letting it all out of yourself.
all that pent up feelings you never dared show anyone.
all that secret angst, that secret sadness inside of you.

on a side note,
I find myself lying a lot lately. Like a lot.
I'm turning into a pathological liar if this goes on any longer.
I need to put a lid on it.

but how am i supposed to do that when all that is surrounding me are people that create situations in which i need to formulate lies to get out of?

i really never used to lie this much. it used to be difficult, this lying business. I used to only lie for the benefit of others (like when i tell you you look very good in that shirt that you just spent RM200 on). Now I lie with a frightening frequency to get myself out of a lot of shit, and it's becoming uncomfortably like a second nature.

and honestly, it's getting rather tiring. keeping track of the lies. and we all know what a great memory I have.
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