May 18, 2006 10:39
Hello all. Coming to zou from a Prague internet cafe, home of kezboards that reverse the z and y kezs as we know them in the States. I§ll make an effort to type correctly from here on. First couple days have been fun and sleep=deprived. This city is really neat, with the old architecture throughout and not just in any particular §historic district.§
The group is great, we all get along really well and it is sure to be a great 2 weeks ahead. Today we plan to tour the Prague castle and meet up with a local friend of Brian, one of the professors. The weather has been changing more often than even New England, with rain and sun alternating almost hourly, but today looks to be a little better. I woke up early this morning and couldn§t get back to sleep so I went for a run and got VERY lost. Turns out the way I understood the layout of the city was completely upside down. 2 hours after I left, with probably about 15 km traversed and the aid of two English=speaking locals, I managed to find my way back to our hostel, where no one had even woken yet. We just went to breakfast at a cafe and stopped here for some online time. I think I§m being charged 1.7 Czech krowns per minute, which is a fairly good rate. The rate is about 22 to the dollar, and I got 1260 for US60.
We haven§t really done too much super exciting stuff yet, but this city is really neat. I§m really having fun. Ok well I am paying to sit here and think of what to say so I¨ll just sign off for now.
Hopefully some pictures to follow once I§m not paying.