(no subject)

Jan 29, 2006 02:36

I was just going to say that I ran today.

But then as this page was loading I realized that I haven't updated recently. So I might as well write something brief. Back at school. Semester has a bright outlook. 18 credits is very busy for me, yet somehow it doesn't seem as if that will be the case. 3-day weekends are actually just that for me--weekends. Something I haven't known for some time. Classes are generally looking to be pretty easy. Photography at the Equinox is great. I have some of my new equipment, which is awesome. I'm pretty much in love with the new $1140 Canon 70-200 f/2.8L lens...it takes amazing pictures. I will post some soon. Also I have a huge staff this semester. I have six photographers, plus myself. I actually ran out of assignments to give last week. Never before!

Spring break is starting to come together. I feel terrible because I've missed several meetings, totally due to my own forgetfulness. I try to tell myself that I'm not unreliable and it's just been a few instances, but rally, this happens all the time. I'm going to start feeling guilty committing to things if I always fail like this. I know I'm being hard on myself and therefore I'm just going to stop. Anyway, it looks like it will be a good trip. Looking forward to it. (Oh yeah, we're going to Mississippi to work on Hurricane relief)

Let's see, what else. Work...not working a whole lot. This is good, but also bad because I have been spending a little too much time and money on eBay. It's worse than gambling, folks.

I have been spending more time (and money) on photography however. It might be turning into more of a hobby. We'll see. The Sentinel never calls me for freelance work, but it would neat if I could start doing portraiture...hmm...

Facebook is ruining my life.

So with the extra time I've found myself enjoying the less-rushed lifestyle lately. But as I'm not competing in running, and several (really the bulk/base) of my close friends find other people or places to be, I've found that pathetic loneliness setting in again. Could it be that avoiding this feeling is the reason I keep myself busy so much? I don't want this to turn into one of *those* pity party entries; the thought just crossed my mind and for some reason I continued to type my thoughts. Hell I don't even know who reads this! I know I read random friends-of-friends' LJs sometimes and while they don't really mean much to me, I do find it interesting. I also think it's interesting to think about how they will never know I read. Creepy? Maybe. But if you are reading this right now it's possible you fall into this category as well. So take that.

Ehem. So where was I? Oh yeah. The solo thing. Whatever. I'm hardly as apathetic towards it as I generally lead on to be, but I'm not about to change my priorities to include actively... why the hell am I writing this? It's 3 am and I am a little sleep deprived so I don't really know... oh crap. It's 3 am I must be lonely. That was wicked frickin lame. I apologize.

Alright so now I will swing up to a positive. Hmm. I won a contest on the radio. I was at work and heard trivia: "What state has the word "Plantations" in its name. Well I knew it, so I called the number and got through and won. It's Rhode Island; the full name is the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. So I won lunch for two at Subway hahah. I love it! Now I just need to find a way to get out to the studios to pick up the coupons.

Ok so someone should remind me to put pictures up soon. I like doing photoessays--they take time but I like doing them. And it sounds like y'all like them too. ok Sleep time. yay.

I ran today.
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