Apr 17, 2008 18:50
I forgot to mention in my previous post that I am completely convinced that I am carrying a boy. Not only have I had 2 dreams but Jo has even had a dream. Jo had the first one very early on in the pregnancy and I didn't really give it much merit, but my dreams since have been very convincing. Jo's dream was kinda vague and he really just saw me with a baby and he had a very strong sense that it was a boy. My first dream was incredibly vivid. I was at an ultrasound appointment and they asked me if I would like to know the sex of the baby and of course I said yes. They told me it was a boy and they showed me on the ultrasound where I could see for myself that it was a boy and then we picked a name from the combination of names that we have on our list. The dream was so real that it stayed with me for days. The second dream I had was just last night and I had to go out somewhere so I left the child with my sister (I don't have a sister but I have a few friends that are like sisters *shrug*) and when I came back the baby was sleeping in his crib with 2 other babies that my sister (again weird cause there has never been a sister) was watching and the child was definitely a boy about 12-18 months old. I am so convinced that it will be a boy that I am not going to know what to do with myself if it is a girl, but we have names picked out for either situation. Ultimately I just want to carry to term and have a healthy, happy baby.