Well, today is my last day of work. Still not sure what is going on with ebay but I will call the guy next week. I have my brothers tattoo with
bratt72 tomorrow so I have that going for me. I am also on call with my brother-in-law to do some nanny work for them. I love my niece but they work some weird hours due to being in the film industry. I am supposed to be working Monday and Tuesday from aproximately 6am-8pm each day, yikes! I will be needing the money until I find another job though so it is all good. I can get on call work with them until I find another job so that should keep me going for a while. I also have an apointment to see an assesment councellor on Wednessday for them to assess whether or not I qualify to take the English 12 course I am trying to register for so that all these ass hats that keep asking me to provide proof that I graduated from high school can give me interviews!! I am more than qualified to do the jobs I am applying for and previous to this year nobody has ever asked me to provide proof in the past so why now?? Any how I should probably find some work to do here instead of fucking the dog like I usually do seeing as it is my last day and all.