Title: Isolated
Author: Stacy (
Rating: G
Pairing: Implied Wes/Fred. But no strong pairings
Prompt: isolation
Summary: Angel feels isolated.
Author's Note: The prompt is from
joss100 but I've not posted or even joined there. I was in the mood to write some drabbles, and looked at their prompt list and this is what emerged. :)
Angel sat quietly in his office. Watching his employees through the window. Even though he should feel "at home" here, he didn't. There were demons, vampires, and humans all here, but still he didn't feel at home. He watched Fred, talking to Harmony. He watched as Wesley walked up behind her, and put a hand on her back, making her jump and grin.
He watched Spike walking through the hallway, showing Illiyria where she was allowed and where she was not allowed. He watched Gunn, in his lawyer suit, hand a file to one of his helpers. He even saw Lorne walking down the steps, chatting away on his cell phone. All of them seemed relatively happy with the work they did. They seemed like a family.
And watching them, he had never felt more alone, more isolated, in his entire life.