May 12, 2006 19:41
I'm am getting so pissed off with all this 'prostituted bodies' shit that the Radical Feminists - Andrea Dworkin, Sheila Jeffries and friends keep spruiking. How dare they? How dare they call sex workers 'prostituted bodies' as if they have no active will of their own and just submit like automatons of the patriarchy. Everything they say that is negative about prostitution would also apply if you substituted 'geriatric nurse', 'garbage disposal person', 'mine worker', 'fast food attendant' or whatever low-prestige, high-danger, high-gross factor occupation you may wish to substitute. There are lots and lots of jobs that people do and they do it only for the money. Jobs that are low-prestige, jobs that are dirty and dangerous, slimy and soul-sucking. It's called wage-labour, class distinction etc. They say the proof that sex work should be prohibited is that most pros say NO to the question "would you do it if you didn't need the money?" - What the fuck? That's got to apply to half the fucking jobs in the world!
Fuck them and their "I know what's good for you" attitudes. They knew what was best for the Aborigines too, didn't they? I'm an advocate for aboriginal rights but I would never deign to speak FOR them, or call them 'colonised bodies'. How fucking disrespectful - no wonder Peter Sutcliffe and Gary Ridgeway figure, 'gotta kill me a woman to get me daily SM thrill - oh well I'll use one of these convenient prostituted bodies', they've already been commodified and deemed worthless - even the feminist bull-dykes think they're just bodies, won't be missed' You know I used to work for an old bastard pimp-style brothel owner who called his workers "tunnel cunted sluts" when he was angry, and just "tunnels" when he was being affectionate. I think he has more respect for sex workers than Sheila Jeffries does.