The Lucero Legacy 1.3

Jul 11, 2011 19:32


Warning: Language.

Last time
All of the boys grew up, Ailbe was a true insane sim and strangled herself wherever she went, the kids were constantly pulling pranks pissing Aleika off. Sounds like a normal family with 5 kids and a single parent. Note; in the middle of this, I changed skin tones and eye default replacements. Ignore that, and we're good to go :)

Nukpana: MWUHAUHAH, they don't even knew I grew up while they were at school! I can cause so much havoc!

Oh. I have chills.

Wtf is this? A rabid bunny with dagger-like teeth?

Maid: Here, let me turn this way. This is my good side. Make sure you get my good side.

What. You don't use your maid as a model for your sculpting?

What did I say about bringing fugs home?!

Taliyah: Yep. Burning calories. Calories that are barely there. And my non-existent fat. Gotta trim down that non-existent fat.

Aleika mastered sculpting :D

Nukpana: The girls will never know I'm in their room! MWUAHAH!
Ailbe: GTFO NUK. 
Nukpana: NEVER!

Victor: AAhhh. I'm tired. Gonna go hit the hay.
Malikai: Remember, I get top bunk tonight.

Victor: I think I have a way we can decide who gets top bunk.

Victor: Alright first one to get hit loses, GO!
Malikai: BRING  IT ON!

Victor: HAH! Got you first!
Malikai: Not fair! Foul!

Malikai: I get to hit you out of fault!

Victor: Hah!  You're the loser! I get top bunk.
Malikai: No fair!

Both: --
lol. Malikai is a sore loser.

Victor: Ooh, air feels nice up here! It's so cool and comfortable.
Malikai: This is bullshit.

Aleika's first topiary :D

Aleika then randomly rolled wishes to gain a level in athleticism, cooking, and inventing. Is this a sim midlife crisis?

These kids are so dysfunctional.
1) Ailbe, we don't have a pool.
2) Malikai, it was like, 7 pm when this birthday occured, why are you the only one in your PJs still?
3) Nukpana, a tux isn't really called for.
4) Victor, you're facing the wrong way.
5) Taliyah, you're facing the wrong way.

Aleika: Yay! Closer to being an elder and death!
Looking on the positive side of things!

A family that parties together stays together.

Nukpana: I have priorities. Watching my mom gain a few wrinkles is not one of them.


I gave her more of a mature look. I think she looks good :)

Awww, wrinkly Aleika.

Malikai rolled a wish to have a slumber party. This is when I realized all of his friends were girls. Somebody's a playaaa.

The girl on the right is Chana something. She's cute. And the one on the left looks terrified. I'm not very concerned about that, because she's not as cute as Chana.

And then the fug came into the boys room and started bitching out Ailbe.
Ailbe: Who the hell do you think you are?
Victor: Heey, ladies. You're both in my way. I can't get to the costume chest.

Ailbe: Hmph. And I'm the insane one.
Victor: I guess I'll just squeeze on through here.

Pizzawoman: Harhar!  You're too young to do shit!

Taliyah: I hate everyone.

I can't think of anything medieval prince/king sounding to say, so.. here's Ailbe. Being princey as fuck.

Lol ok. Victor's a pretty princess!

Nukpana: These people suck. They're all so below me. I'm so much better than they ever will be.

These dumbasses were fighting over who could go through first. They ended up standing there all night.

Victor: I feel so pretty!
Ailbe: You're in my way on the table. This pizza can't eat itself.


Nukpana: That's IT! I've had enough.

Nukpana: I have an idea.

Nukpana: Hi, I'm Nukpana.
Girl: Hi.
Nukpana: So, I have a proposition for you, would you like to hear it?

Nukpana: See, it starts with an idea. A base and a foundation. The idea starts with you sneaking around any building I may feel has valuable gold and objects we could sale on the black market. Are you comfortable with that?
Girl: I'm.. I'm not sure. Why am I doing all of the sneaking around?
Nukpana: If that doesn't work, I could harvest your organs and sale them on the black market. Are you comfortable with losing one of your kidneys?

Girl: .. I want my mommy.

Victor: I see you placing that whoopee cushion, asshole.
Nukpana: I see you're still in that dress, Victoria.


Nukpana: I just wanted to have some fun..
Lol aw using the pouty face to get out of trouble. I remember those days.

Aleika: Alright, I'm going to bed. Chana, would you mind leaving my room?

Aleika: Oh.. there's.. another one of you.

Aleika: Wutev. It's my room. I'm sleeping.
Girl: Eww, you're shirtless. I'm leaving!

Omg, such a pretty scene. EA, you did an amazing job with scenery, I must admit you outdid yourselves.

Malikai: Why are there clothes in our pond?
Idk. I don't even care anymore. You guys could run nude at this point for all I care.

Nukpana is getting a head start on his athletic skills. If you wanna rule the world, you have to be in shape.

And Victor is on the computer in his underwear. Nothing has changed here.

Okay, so I have a lot to explain.

Something went wrong with portrait panel, and the squares of the boys all disappeared, so I couldn't control them. Yet it said they were already in the household, so I couldn't click and add them back into the family to get their squares back. Their names were also changed to random shit. Malikai was Nikolas, Victor was Christopher, and so on. And while this was happening, Taliyah's square was there, but she was gone. She was invisible. I left my game running all night on pause, and in the morning she still wasn't loaded. So I took the rest of the family into CAS using MasterController, saved them all, made a new neighborhood, and put the family back together in CAS.

End of story.. I couldn't get Taliyah back :(  So Ailbe is now twinless, and the boys are short a sister. So now there's only four kids. RIP Taliyah. If I knew how, I'd put a random urn down and dedicate it to her. But yeah. Back to the story. With four kids >_<

As you can see, Ailbe is still her normal, insane self.

Such a loving picture for a memory.

Malikai is content.  Nukpana is mwuahauhaing.  And Victor is cheering. 
Yeah, the boys haven't changed either.  Don't worry.


Well, everybody rolled a wish for one at the same time, so I  figured why the hell not?

And of course Nuk is the first one to use it.

And this little boy is the neighbor. He's also a Castor family member. Obviously the youngest. I decided in this new town, Malikai needed some friends, and not girls. I don't want any pimps in this legacy.

This family is breaking me. They all wished for a chemistry set.

Being the nerd genius that he is, Victor ran right to it. And is still the only one that gets excited over it/uses it.

Ailbe is still a kick ass inventor.

Victor: Hmm, should I drink this?
Nukpana: I wouldn't do that if I  were you, bro.

Victor: Well, I might as well. What do I have to lose!
Nukpana: Oh shit.

Victor: Oh, sick!  That did nothing but made me smell terrible!
Nukpana: And I'm the one working my ass off.

Um.. Can anybody explain this to me..

Gasp! Ailbe! Pulling a prank?  She looks like a prying mantis lol. I can't stop laughing now that I realized that.

Aleika:  What was that noise?

Aleika: Nothing. Absolutely nothing. The kids are gone and it's quiet. Aah. Feels good.
If she wasn't the best single mom of 4 toddlers/5 kids I had ever seen, I'd think that she was planning to kill the kids.

Time for Ailbe to grow up!  :D

j32i45o3 kjio aojiktmat5 3 lol I  couldn't help myself. I  HAD  to upload this.

Tug on my heart strings, why don't you. Gah. She is gorgeous. ♥ She gained the childish trait, which suits her well, methinks.

Next time
The boys all grow up, and adventures are to be had. Also, heir poll!

Thank you for reading!  ♥

1.3, lucero

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