Challenge 91: The Whedonverse Ladies 10in10

Jun 20, 2011 16:59

Challenge 91: Whedonverse Ladies 10in10
Make up to 10 icons
Find your own caps
Still Only
Due June 30th midnight

We're going to try something a little different to hopefully up participation. We're going to have a mini 20in20. What that means is we're going to be doing up to 10 icons in 10 days.

Here's how it's going to work:
Pick your favorite Whedonverse(BtVS, AtS, Firefly or Dollhouse) female. You have to do the themes but then you can do either the Category or AC set to make ten icons. You can mix and match the sets to make the five extra icons. If you only want to do the themes that's fine too. You don't have to do all five themes only if you want to do one of the other two sets.

1. plus one(your female plus another)
2. name
3. negative space
4. emotion(happy, sad, anger, etc)
5. partial color


Category(up to 5)
black and white


Artist Choice(up to 5)

Any questions feel free to ask. I don't bite :D

new challenge

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