5 Mal/River Drabbles

Sep 12, 2006 17:09

Title: Just Flying?
Author: spooky_xphile
Words: 100
Prompt: #48: Fly
Characters: River, Kaylee (mention of Mal)
Rating: PG
Spoilers: post BDM

I make the ship fly.” River said to Kaylee, loud enough to hear her voice over the sounds of the engines working.

“Yeah and you’re sometimes the ship.” Kaylee said awkwardly. It brought up a memory that should have probably left unsaid.

“You’re the heart. Engineer can’t fly without tools.” River smiled at her friend.

“And an albatross can’t fly without a Cap’n.” Kaylee said with a huge grin. River was quiet on the uptake.

“He flies I assist.” River said as if defending her honor. “That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.”

“That’s what you call it-- assisting.”

Title: Birth Day
Author: spooky_xphile
Words: 140
Prompt: #86: Anxious
Rating: PG
Characters: Mal, Simon (mention of Mal/River)

Mal paced outside the doors of the silent infirmary. Simon and Inara were trying to calm down a very pregnant River. By the deafening silence it had worked. The doors oened and Mal stood still long enough to see inside. Inara was wiping River’s brow while the girl was breathing in and out softly. Simon came out to see a very anxious Mal come up to him.

“She’s fine. She hasn’t cursed at you or anyone and is taking it quite well. Hasn’t screamed out in pain.” Simon said before Mal could speak.

Mal could believe that she wouldn’t be in much pain, seeing as she went to the Academy. He heard a whimper escape River and then another quickly following.

“The contractions are closer.” Simon said as he retrieved a surgical gown and handed it to Mal. “It’s time.”

Title: Coal
Author: spooky_xphile
Words: 107
Prompt: #51: Christmas
Rating: PG
Characters: Mal/River, Inara

“You’re getting coal in your stocking for Christmas this year.” River said. She was sitting down at the table in the galley when he came in. The light was off but it didn’t matter; River knew who it was. She closed her eyes and through her eyelids could see the piercing light.

“What do you mean little one?” His deep voice prompted her to open her eyes but not look at him.

“You’re getting coal for how you feel. Bad…in the latin.” She got up and glided to him so that they were shoulder to shoulder. “You’re getting coal for Christmas for how you feel about Inara.”

Title: The Cap’n’s Been Dreamin’ Again
Author: spooky_xphile
Words: 164
Prompt: #79: Unknown
Rating: PG
Characters: Mal (implied Mal/River)

I have been dreamin’ an interesting dream. A dream about her. My dream begins with my entire life flashing before me. I see my birth, Shadow, the War, Serenity Valley, and the first time I saw her naked form- frozen to save her life. Then everything slows down to the point where I’m unsure whether I’m awake or still dreaming. In this time, my life splits down two roads. One road I feel whole. A feeling of comfort, content, and happiness. I was with her and that was all that mattered. The other road I feel torn in tow. A piece of me is missing and I feel light as if nothing was there to keep me from travelin’ the ‘verse. It is the road where my torment is her happiness. At this point I wake up and I am confused. Are these dreams a reflection of my feelings or something else? This is one of the unknowns in my life. One of many.

Title: Human Emotion
Author: spooky_xphile
Words: 101
Prompt: #17: Love
Rating: PG
Characters: Mal/River
Spoilers: immediately after BDM- I mean right after the piece falls off the ship

Her gaze left the stars and fell on the pilot. “Couldn’t love be applied to anything?”

He glanced at her, “As the first rule?” She nodded. “I believe so.”

“I mean it could be applicable to a person. If you find someone that you love, then wouldn’t they be your home? If you didn’t love them it would shake.”

Mal looked at River with awe. He hadn’t seen her use such insight into a human emotion. “Where did you get that from albatross?”

“You.” Mal looked at her with confusion.” She went to him and lightly kissed him. “You’re my home.”

pairing: malcolm/river

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