Jun 19, 2007 16:06
Kilmer Middle School in Vienna, Virginia, is by no means in a remote corner of the country. Close to the CIA headquarters at Langley, it is just a short drive from Washington DC. But headteacher Deborah Hernandez was accused of being out of touch, literally and scholastically, after banning physical contact between her 1,100 pupils.
Hugs, cuddles and handshakes are especially taboo.
Ms Hernandez's no-holds-allowed prohibition came to light after 13-year-old Hal Beaulieu slipped his arm round his girlfriend's shoulder during a break. She did not object, but a sharp-eyed school security officer caught Hal in the act. He was arraigned in the school office charged with two misdemeanours
WTF? Charged with misdemeanours for hugging his girlfriend..? I think the principal in question isn’t getting any at home…
The Vatican took a break from strictly theological matters to issue its own rules of the road, a compendium of do's and don'ts on the moral aspects of driving and motoring.
A 36-page document called "Guidelines for the Pastoral Care of the Road" contains 10 Commandments covering everything from road rage, respecting pedestrians, keeping a car in good shape and avoiding rude gestures while behind the wheel.
It urged readers not to behave in an "unsatisfactory and even barely human manner" when driving and to avoid what it called "unbalanced behaviour ... impoliteness, rude gestures, cursing, blasphemy ..."
Praying while driving was encouraged.
I’m (almost) speechless. What a load of shite. This is the Catholic church’s attempt to become more relevant in the modern world?
Though praying whilst driving does have it’s place...(Oh god please don’t there be anything coming the other way round this corner/please don’t let there be any film in that speed camera I didn’t see/don’t let this piece of sh1t break down before I get home etc…)