
Oct 17, 2004 20:45

What a fuckin week. For those of you who dont know, I started working for State Farm on Monday. And let me tell you, I LOVE my job. My boss, aside from being a great, funny guy, used to be a pitcher for the Cleavland Indians, and is by FAR the best looking boss I've ever had. But thats beside the point... for the first time in 6 months, I am actually HAPPY. I know, it's crazy. I really feel like I'm starting to "find my way" as my dad would say.

Today started of totally shitty, but then my sisters and the kids came over, and that is always fun ... (I inserted links to pics of Lilly and Truman, if you are so inclined) I could have never imagined how much fun it is to hang out with a 9, 4 and 3 year old... they kick ass!
Anyway, I have to get my shit together for tomorrow( i have an appointment to get my new drivers license at 7, have to get fingerprinted at 8, go to the doctor's at 9, and be at work by 10:30) I am DEFINITLY taking my laptop with me this week though, so I'll post sometime...*)
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