Jun 01, 2005 23:12
April 27, 1986
Jon called me around 8:00 and asked me if I wanted to see The Red Hot Chili Peppers! I freaked! I was so happy! He said he’d come get me in a half an hour. I hurried to get ready. I was so excited!
They came and picked me up and I finally met Jon’s friend Cindy. She’s really nice. Then we went to pick up some guy named Brent. He reminds me of Kevin Cochran. It was fun the whole way to Detroit. I like driving places. Seeing the city gave me a natural high again. I love it!
Anyway, we got stuck in a traffic jam. Detroit was having a food festival. We drove by St. Andrews Hall which was surrounded by punks. Then we drove around looking for a parking place and finally found one free and we walked to the hall and to tell you the truth I was scare! Seriously, punks scare the shit out of me. Probably because they might think I’m a littly teeny bop mod or something.
So we went up to the ticket booth to get our tickets and the guy said, “I need to see your ID.” I felt SO stupid!!
Then that guy Brent went in and I had to wait on the side all by myself!!! Then Jon said, “Why don’t you write ‘No drinks” all over her hand” and the guy said, “No I can’t do that” and then Jon said, “Come on, you can” and the ID guy have him a really hard time and started yelling! Then the ID guy told Jon to talk to the othere ticket guy, the one at the window and asked for a marker so we stood there a minute and he lied his way through that and took the marker over to the ID man and told him to write, “NO DRINKS on my hand and he said, “Who said?” and Jon said, “The guy at the window” and so some other guy came over and the ID guy said to write “NO DRINKS on her forehead or something” and Jon goes, “No, just write it all over her arm or something” and the new guy said, “How old are you?” and I said, “I’m 18”, like a dumb ass! And he said, “When were you born?” and I said, “1967, January 1st” and he goes, “Yeah!” and Jon said, “We had it all rehearsed” and the guy nodded and stamped my hand!! I was so relieved! We went to the lower part and I people watched. Great! Then we went upstairs to the balcony and it was so cool! I loved it! The people were so interesting. I felt so young considering you must be 18 years old to get in and I’m only 16!
It makes me happy to see that people over 18 dress unique! I plan to my whole life!
Anyway, we sat around for quite awhile. Jon & Brent kept leaving. After a little while some group came on. I don’t know who they were…all right. Jon found out that the Red Hots wouldn’t be coming on for quite awhile so we decided to go to Halt (?) Plaza. It was a pretty long walk, first we went to the car. I love Detroit! Even though it is The Murder Capitol of the country! We went down by the river and looked across at Windsor. I’d like to go there sometime. After that I had to go to the restroom so we went inside this humongous hotel. It was beautiful! We couldn’t find a bathroom opened anywhere! We saw a sign for Big Boy (restaurant). It was really funny because Jon was saying, “Big Boy, where are you?!!” Then we finally found it! We waited in there because Jon was getting a glass of water, then we walked back to St. Andrews.
We went back upstairs where we were before and waited about 20 more minutes and they finally came on! They’re COOL!! I really got into it! The people in front were slam dancing and at one time this guy got ON the stage and jumped into the audience! It was Great! At the beginning some people in the audience grabbed the microphone and they were pulling it and the bass player in the band grabbed it back off them and it fell on the ground. It was hilarious.
One thing I wasn’t too fond of was their dirty mouths! Vulgar as anything!! Anyway some guy who was standing in front of me let me set down by the gate, not really a gate more like a railing! I loved it! After it was over we went back to the car to see if we could find Brent. He wasn’t there. Jon told ME to run in and look fro him.
I had later written about Flea the following.
“Razzle-Mike B the Flea (from Suburbia)”
“Mike B the Flea was a cutie!”