Mar 21, 2009 14:45
so there is the celeb rehab graduation (28 day program)
and than there is the
Haight Ashbury Free Clinics Graduation (6 month plus programs)
They have the graduations 4 times a year
the last one was a tearjerker
and this one wasnt as bad
Mostly its a tear-feast for yours truely
because one of the programs is all women
Its called Lonestar its a yearlong program
the kicker is that it is a triple diagnosis program
which means not only are you an
-addict(usually crack or heroine)
-medicated for some mental disorder
You also have to be hiv positive
these speeches are the killers
watching their kids run around
and families take pictures and shower them with gifts
One of my favorite ladies from Lonestar is London
she came into the program weighing 87 pounds
and everything was just all bad
she just got her house
she sees her kids
she has a real job for the first time in over 10 years
and more importantly than anything else she is so HEALTHY
there are others
my friend robin is modeling for one of the med companys
she is so beautiful
these are women that are less than 10 years older than me
its just so amazing for me to watch them, pull all their shit together
and make it, truely get their lives back.
anything is possible