Nov 13, 2007 22:21
I simply don't understand Creationists. People still protest against teaching evolution in the classroom, arguing that evolution can't be scientifically proven. Well, that's the pot calling the kettle black, isn't it? Where is the solid evidence from Creationists that God created man?
Suppose I told you there was a giant teapot in the sky. You can't disprove my giant teapot why don't you believe in it? Because it sounds preposterous. Because the facts laid out before you lead you to believe that my giant teapot theory is ridiculous. In the same vein, why believe in god?
...But I digress. The bottom line is this: People who argue against scientific fact only serve to make themselves look like idiots. In my mind, it conjures up the image of a two-year old throwing a tantrum, little fists covering their eyes, screaming, "I won't, I won't, I won't!" because they refuse to acknowledge the truth.
It fascinates me that so many people live their lives in accordance with a little book. A little book that was written millennia ago. Human society as a whole has advanced so far from those times...treatment of disease, advancement of human rights, understanding of the world around us and how all things are's just like believing the earth is flat when we can prove it's round. But you slap the "God" label onto it and it's unquestionable truth.